CI P A 2003 XIX 11 ' International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
References from books:
Fibinger, Iris
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics, Markt + Technik Ver-
lag, Muenchen 2002
Giinter Pomaska
Internetprasentation von Bauprojekten,
Bauwerk-Verlag Berlin 2002
References from other literature:
Giinter Pomaska
Implementation of Web 3D Tools for Creating Inter
active Walkthrough Environments from Building
ISPRS WG V/4 and IC WG III International Work
shop on Vision Techniques for Digital Architectural
and Archaeological Archives, Ancona, Italy, July
Mine Hamamcioglu Turan
Discussion of two Photogrammetric Techniques Com
bined for Documentation of Defensionskaserne in
Minden with Reference to Architectural Heritage con
CIPA 2003 XIXth International Symposium, New
Perspectives to Save Cultural Heritage, Antalya, Tur
key, Sept. 2003
References from the Internet http://
SVG viewer:
SVG - Learning by Coding
Application of SVG providing the mapping sample
from figure 4:
About the project Simeonsplatz:
Other references from the Web are given in the text
Figure 4: An interactive mapping application
The map carries a legend, displays topography and buildings.
Links to some VRML models and references other documents.
While moving the mouse over images with very high transpar
ency, the image occurs in full colour. Those images are render
ings of the CAD models provided for interactive walk-through
and telling about the history. The immersive environment in
stalled for test purposes is for the time being a multi projection
on three screens driven by one computer equipped with a PNY
Quattro graphic board.
Figure 5: VR model of the multi projection environment
6 Conclusion
SVG with its interactivity and possibility for importing data
from different sources is introduced as an interface for access
ing a database of a historic site. The basic tags for designing and
giving structure to a SVG document have been mentioned.
Some conversion tools available from the Internet have been
successfully tested. The future work for this project will be:
bringing together the historic data and projected buildings,
adding more interactivity and animations to generate an interac
tive map with a high degree of information.
It is obvious that SVG has the potential to provide a solution
for the above-mentioned requests.