Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
and foyer areas. The second part of cleaning was applied, using 
scrappers, sponge and a metal hard brush, by scrubbing it 
manually. Very little Liquid Organic Cleaner (LOC) was used 
to enhance the process (See Figure 9). 
Figure 8: Water jetting 
The entire pitched roof over the great hall was replaced with 
new steel frame and water-proof roof membrane). The design 
basically reflected the original design with several 
improvements in terms of acoustic, structural strength and 
quality (Refer to Figure 10 & Figure 11). 
Figure 11 : Completed new roof finishes 
b) Second Stage - Architectural, Interior Design & Services 
The important architectural features in DTC were retained and 
the original design maintained. The main foyer area, the granite 
flooring, facades and slab soffits, the services and mezzanine 
level, spiral staircases and concrete handrails were retained (See 
Figure 12 and Figure 13). 
& : . 
Figure 12: Replacing the broken granite floors. 
Figure 10: New roof trusses installation 
Figure 13: Refining the existing concrete handrails. 
The Interior Design Work was based on the new requirements 
for new services systems and facilities in order to ensure that

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