CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
Each piece of information about history and building is a
valuable document for the future because of rapid
development and negative changes cause the lost of these
(Kuban 2000, ICOMOS 1990).
* Being a significant part of national inventory list:
Documentation of local cultural and natural heritage has
very important contribution to the national heritage list as a
whole (Arslan, 1990).
■ Creating preservation conscious: Documentation and
recording process leads to raise a public awareness on
heritage and improves the preservation knowledge among
people (Arslan, 1990).
■ Database for planning process: Accurate recording and
documenting data can be established base on the strategic
preservation approaches. So that a valuable resource may
be created for people who work in the field of historic
preservation. This also provides precise information on
exiting condition of the historic structure during any future
intervention (ICOMOS, 1990; Anonymous 7). At the same
time the planning of the contemporary environment
without destroying cultural heritage depends on
establishing a precise and current cultural inventory list
(Ozdogan, 2002).
■ Understanding the problems in historic environment:
Documentation process needs to find answers for what do
preserve, how do define the problems and how do give
priority what do restorate by utilizing economical and
technical resource in a knowledgeable way (Arslan, 1990).
■ Developing legal protection precaution: It is very important
to have accurate inventory list in local and national level to
able follow up and making decision for the necessary
action on time and right way for protection of the historic
building in legally (Ahunbay, 1999).
Architectural structures are destroyed in many ways and for
many reasons; new development, technical or functional
obsolescence, neglect, fire, natural disaster, and war. Some of
the causes can be mitigated, with precautions taken against
others. Architectural documentation can provide future
generations with information on structures long since vanished.
Documentation can also serve as a form of insurance for a
significant structures so that if there were to be catastrophic
loss, the structure could be rebuilt (Burns, 1989).
2.2. Documentation Techniques
Before preparation of a restoration project, information in
following topics needs to be collected about the building:
Preparation of measured drawings; documenting with
architectural photography old and new condition;
documentation with architectural photogrammetry; recording
information from visual and written materials (literature and
archival search); conducting oral history search (Burns, 1989).
Information about the historic building can be collected using
by the techniques above but the most important issue is that
how do keep and make useful these information widespread in
this technology age. Thus, computer is the only way to enable to
give opportunity professions who practice in the field of historic
preservation to share, distribute, provide easily access and
reproduce all these systematic and current documents with
others through world wide web system (Anonymous 5).
2.3. Use of computer and web-based data
Electronic inventory list in another word historic heritage
database is convenience to share the exiting current data with
the other interest groups such as academicians and public
organization Sharing the database through the web-based
(www) appears to be one of the rational ways for this study. The
most important reasons for this decision are listed beloved:
* Developed an archive of the historical material is easy in
this way and give an opportunity save the document
without concerning the loosing.
■ Wide speared usage of www network system due to rapid
growth in data processing techniques and development in
computer technology makes it possible to many users
access at the same time from various locations.
■ Accessing to the first hand information without interfering
other people.
■ Updating archival data frequently and making these data
dependable and reliable to its users.
■ Time consuming for many professions.
■ The information opens to usage of users all the time.
■ Provide opportunity both recording and accessing visual
and any other types of materials in the system and make
them available to users. Another word it creates an
interactive electronic environment.
■ Information in the different digital data processing system
can be easily convertible for the personal usage. The users
have opportunity to save the document into their own
system and to change the format.
■ With this web-based system the local and the regional
heritage have chance get to publish worldwide.
2.4. Target user profile of web page
The aim of this system is to make it accessible to as many
different users as possible from everywhere.
Public user
The users and organizations in public who have interest in
history, architecture, preservation and restoration can be able to
use this database. The information that public users need is the
history of the structure, basic identification information,
photographs, simple diagrams or sketch and mostly visual mate
Students: Students from high school to university both
graduate and undergraduate are considered in this category.
They might use visual documents and other type of architectural
drawing such as plan, section; elevation, ornament and other
details about the historic structure.
Academicians and researches: One important purpose for
architectural documentation is providing materials for
academicians and researchers. They might want to need more
detail information than other users. This information is lot
number, the ownership, usage history (functional changes),
inventory numbers and degree and ext.
Private Offices and professions: In this category Architect,
conservationist, urban planner, historian, archeology, landscape
architect, regional planner, surveyors and other professions are
in this category.
Institutional users: Historic preservation offices, the others
local and central governmental offices, national and
international organizations and universities can be listed under
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