Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey’ 
Is now possible using DTM and orthophoto to build a three- 
dimensional metric model of the archaeological site, and to 
navigate into the model itself. We have then used the 
orthophoto for image enhancement filtering, to emphasize 
archaeological traces, as will be described in the next chapter. 
Figure 5. The DTM with orthophoto superimposed. The 
integration of altimetric and photographic data gives 
archaeologists a more readable model. 
2.3 DTM analysis 
DTM analysis makes evident the position and the shape of 
some buried buildings. At first, is clear that some low zones 
belong to the Casa de Taracena, and are underground premises 
and some cisterns. In the North direction we find a micro-relief 
with the same orientation of the Casa de Taracena, that fits the 
structures identified in 1995. 
Then, a very interesting data is the presence of an other micro 
relief in the South direction, that is parallel with the one 
discovered in 1995. This is an other building alignment that 
ends in the Paredejas zone, where are preserved the ruins of an 
“opus caementicium ” building. 
A first alignment of regular buildings was identified by Gillani 
in 1995; these are probably public buildings. He found also a 
possible extension between Las Paredejas and the macellum. 
Del Olmo in 2001 identified the same buildings which he 
hypothesized as a forum or market-place, due to the regularity 
of the building shape and the open space between the two 
alignments. This forum is smaller than the other already 
excavated. However he did not identified the second building 
alignment near Las Paredejas, where he localized the extension 
of a street that finishd in the forum of the Claudian epoch. 
Thanks to DTM analysis we can note that the area between the 
two parallel building alignments is lower than the micro-reliefs 
that enclose it. So the micro-reliefs correspond to the ruins of 
the buildings, and the lower space to the market-place. Then, 
the analysis of the image and of the stereoscopic model has 
shown that in this area there are not building traces. Therefore it 
is an open area that maybe indeed a big square or a forum. 
In the profile represented in fig. 6 we note five interesting 
Figure 3. The DTM RMS values. The greyscale indicates the 
RMS values; higher values are darker and identify 
badly estimated DTM zones. 
Figure 4. The DTM of the area between Casa de Taracena and 
Termas de Los Arcos, with 1 m resolution and the 
orthophoto superimposed. 
2.2 Orthophoto 
The next step is the orthophoto computation of Clunia plateau 
by using RSI ENVI software.

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