Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
historical everyday life situations. A four-day final event in the 
park of Senta forms the conclusion final celebration of the 
games, where the individual groups present the results of their 
In our project students of architecture in Vienna, Budapest and 
in the Vojvodina co-operated in developing a booklet, which 
contains the 3x3 rules for photogrammetric recording of 
architecture and suggestions which additional information 
(besides the photogrammetric recording) about a building may 
be collected. This booklet was used as basis for one of the tasks 
at the games. The aim was to enhance the youth to find out 
about the building traditions, advantages and disadvantages, the 
history of the houses and their inhabitants and further more. In 
this way they will find out more about their cultural past and 
also about its relevance and influence on their everyday-life 
For the final event the different groups prepare their own artistic 
access to the results of their work. In co-operation with artists 
they draw pictures, create sculptures make photo exhibitions or 
just show typical elements of “their” houses. 
This part of the games may raise the awareness on the built 
cultural heritage value and can be a possible way to strengthen 
the knowledge and the pride about their roots of the Hungarian 
minority's youth in the Vojvodina. Even if it is only a small 
piece of the worlds cultural heritage it may enrich the diversity 
of the Hungarian culture in the Vojvodina and it is worth being 
kept alive. 
4.1 study project scope 
The study project “documenta: land + art?” will approach a 
cultural landscape from the perspective of a possible natural and 
cultural dialogue. Exemplary places of interaction between 
initiatives and processes of the “documenta” and the local 
environment and region of “Hessen-Kassel” shall be highlighted 
and investigated. A set of core question will be raised: e.g. In 
how far has the relation between the people and their 
environment been changed by creative processes? Are Land + 
Art key figures in this cultural landscape? How about places of 
significance, their relation, their influence, their sustainability? 
4.2 study project process 
In our study project "documenta : land + art ?" we (a group of 
interested, international, interdisciplinary people) focussed on 
the documenta, an international forum for contemporary art 
taking place in an intermediate rhythm of five years. The 
documenta has been initiated in 1955 by Arnold Bode and 
Werner Haftmann together with the horticultural exhibition 
("Bundesgartenschau"). In the context of postwar heavily 
destroyed "Hessen Kassel" the documenta may be considered as 
a part of a re-creation process. After a time of isolation and 
heavy censorship also in the wide field of creative freedom 
(labelling some works as condemned art) this initiative has 
contributed a share in the movement of opening up to the world 
again and the process of revitalising the heavily devastated 
Our study project excursion to Kassel at the beginning of May 
assisted us in getting a first idea and forming a set of 
impressions concerning the respective people and the place. 
Our first walk took us to the "Kiinstlemekropole" in the 
"Habichtswald", an area within a landscape protection zone that 
has been dedicated to the creation of documenta artists' places 
of commemoration, initiated by Harry Kramer. 
In visiting the documenta archive, we had the the opportunity to 
enter a part of the documenta's memory and with the kind help 
of the archive team managed to specify our own field of 
interest. In a practical excercise we followed along some of 
Joseph Beuys traces of the "7000 oaks" project, studying the 
scope of the physical evidence and spiritiual vitality of his idea 
of a "social sculpture". Reflections contributed to an intense 
discussion in the creative athmosphere of "Villa Seeberg". An 
inspiring guided tour along the remains, the physical 
testimonies of the documenta that remain in public space helped 
furthermore to stimulate interest and research activities. The 
visit to the museum of sepulchral culture and the creative 
impulses gained at the current exhibition of the Fridericianum 
activated participation. 
In the further study project process we decided to take further 
steps towards a creative reflection of the documenta as "living 
heritage". In individual and common activities we tried to 
activate this vital memory on the 4 th of July...: 
“4 th of July” 
We as participants of the study project documenta : land + art ? 
will present and perform actions related to our working topics in 
progress. The BTU Campus will become a platform, an 
experimental field for associations and reflections on the Beuys 
“7000 Oaks” project, the supportive idea of a “social sculpture”, 
towards a “Free International University”. 
We would like to kindly invite you to join the “floating poem”, 
pick some of “Beuys’ fruits”, enter a place of 
“commemoration”, follow some “dialogues on landscapes, trees 
and public art”, get to know “perceptions of a public/private 
space” and finally participate in our “tree planting project”. 
Our starting point will be the Cafeteria Terrace at 15:00. From 
here we will begin our flow along the “focal actions” taking us 
along the diagonal of trees and benches, towards the grove of 
trees and finally towards the University Garden, where our 
journey will come to a (preliminary) end around 16:00. A small 
brochure will be distributed illustrating our “focal actions” and 
Feel free, take part...© 
4.3 documenta : land + art ? 
The introductory formula of the study project remains our 
common riddle, leading us towards further reflections. We may 
consider it for example as describing the relation of an ongoing 
documenta collection (as documentation process) towards the 
combination of the existing natural and cultural potential of a 
place in continuous transformation by creative natural and 
cultural processes. The spatial context of these reflection and 
interaction processes between the local-regional environment of 
"Hessen-Kassel" in relation to the globally distributed 
environments of the respective curators, artists and visitors. In 
this sense the documenta may be considered an ongoing natural 
and cultural dialogue. Of course there are more ways of looking 
at it: "documenta: land + art ?" remains open for further 
4.4 some acknowledgements 
We would like to express our thanks for valuable support to : 
the DAAD, the team of the"Villa Seeberg",the team from the 
"documenta archive", our guide along the traces of the 
documenta in public space, the exhibition team from the 
Fridericianum and the museum of sepulchral culture, the team 
from the Multimedia-Centre at BTU Cottbus, the BTU faculty's 
garden team and the team of K29...

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