Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
The city of Trabzon has been selected as the case of the study 
because of its rich and diverse cultural heritage. Historic 
buildings that are already listed on the national heritage are the 
topic of this study. The objective is to creating an electronic 
database for the existing heritage in Trabzon. This study focuses 
on developing a digital inventory database for documentation 
and recording cultural and natural properties. The general scope 
of the study as following: 
• Determining existing historic building stock with extensive 
field recording and photographical documentation, 
• Classification of the collected data and filling this data into 
Electronic Building Identity form, 
• Designing a web page for the purpose of sharing database 
through the electronic environment (network) with interest 
• Recording the condition of the historic heritage from the 
past until present time and the most importantly having the 
current and precise information about the city’s cultural 
heritage and district. 
Today data processing and computer usage are intensively into 
every sections of the research as well as the daily life of people. 
Thus the usage of this database and web page for educational 
and academicals purposes will enhance and improve the 
research facilities on heritage of the scientists. 
Traditional archival methods are not sufficient for diverse users 
profile in the computer age. The information needs to be 
reproducible and shareable with others, therefore it gives more 
opportunity to add and also take out unnecessary things and 
becomes more meaningful and beneficial to the everyone who 
The web page that is designed for this purposes and will serve 
as a cyber database. These types of database and web page have 
been started to use recently in Turkey and other countries. The 
study of Mersin University City Research Center (AKKENT) 
which is sampled as “Inventory Study”(Anonymous 1), the 
“Heritage Building Inventory” which is carried out by the 
Wellington City Council (Anonymous2), the “Historical 
Buildings Database” carried out by Iranian Cultural Heritage 
Organization (Anonymous 2) and the “Heritage Building 
Inventory” which takes its place in the web site of Canadian 
Nanaimo City (Anonymous 4). 
The design stages of web page shows at figure 1. There is also 
feedback system inside of the model. 
The study area has limited with 3 historic districts in Trabzon 
for this research. Systematically collected information about the 
buildings in the first, second and third historic district had filled 
into “Building Identity Form” (appendix B) and each building 
had marked on the digital maps with its ID number. 
The information about the historic buildings is collected base on 
the fieldwork, literature search, existed data from the files of 
each building at the local Historic Heritage Preservation Office 
in Trabzon. Approximately 500 historic buildings have studied 
but considering time limitation of the research, only data about 
3 historic districts had used for establishment of web page 
initially. Furthermore it is possible to add the data about the 
other buildings. 
The information on the web page covers word documents, 
tables, digital map (AutoCAD and GIS applications), 
photograph, architectural drawing (AutoCAD), video images 
and additional materials (appendix A). To be able to putting all 
above data about historic buildings into the web page requires 
special computer language and format. Therefore all data had 
converted in to those formats step by step so they became 
suitable to access from distance and to produce as an image on 
the network. 
At the first step, existed written and visual material had 
converted to digital data to be published on the web page. An 
identification (ID) number had appointed to each building in the 
system and these numbers had put into the digital map of each 
historic district. Each building has a Building Identity Form on 
the web page and has a special link on the digital map with ID 
number. For the purpose of this study, Building Identity Form 
of 5 buildings has been selected as an example to demonstrate 
how this web page works. These buildings are selected carefully 
base on different functions and being from the different historic 
districts in the city. Photographs of each building are placed into 
web page according to ID number in the list and link by .jpg 
format by using Adobe Photoshop®. In addition to this, old and 
new photograph from the private archive and collection has also 
put the page. Furthermore, video images of a few building place 
for the purpose of multimedia and interactive usage. 
Architectural drawing (measured drawing) such as plan, section, 
elevation and photograph are saved in image format also. Some 
of the architectural drawings have prepared in vectorial line 
format (.dwg file) another word converted into digital data by 
using AutoCAD® and other similar types of software. With 
this way, web page users can enable download the drawing 
materials to the personal computer and use in various purpose 
by intervention to these drawings. Measured drawing and 
restoration project of the historical buildings from different 
institutions or organizations are also included into this database 
and given opportunity others to benefit from it. 
Microsoft Front Page® is prefer to use as a Web editor. The 
flexible and easy framing characteristic of this program was the 
reason for choosing the program. When the user clicks on the 
one link another frame opens in the same frame. While the 
menu is stable, the others can be changed. This characteristic 
give chance to users to visit to website quickly. The study had 
done on Windows XP system but it had tested in different 
systems to see if it has been working properly in. 
GIS Applications: The main goal of the study that we work on 
is to create a database depended on historical buildings of 
Trabzon and share it with others. The one way of this sharing 
was using web but also we prepared an alternate to prepare our 
Figure 1. Design stages of Web page

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