CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
Figure 4. Topographic, electric and radar images from
Higuera street at Coyoacan, Mexico City
Across our city, where pre-Hispanic settlements were built with
the accumulation of building materials, so to keep them above
water level, it can be seen topographic mounds produced by
differential sinking. The present work produced a record of pre
compacted mounds that sink at a slower pace. It has been seen
that these islets had kept their nahuatl names and even are still
represented on the urban plan and the city toponyms.
Investigations’ results thus far have located archaeological sites
underneath the city’s pavement. The record of mounds on the
surface points to place where there are remains of structures
which once belonged to ancient lake settlements. This has been
proven at Coyoacan and Churubusco where geophysical studies
have pointed to the presence of remains, later excavated.
To mitigate the formation of mounds it would be necessary to
reduce drilling for water in the city’s subsoil, regardless of the
consequences to its water supply for its inhabitants. These
mounds are likely to continue growing, thus risking many
monuments belonging to Mexico’s and Humanity’s heritage.
Likewise, many houses and their dwellers are in danger if they
are on top of archaeological remains affecting the buildings’
The slow sinking process has allows nevertheless the correction
and preservation of some structures such as the Metropolitan
Cathedral, yet these conditions become very risky during seismic
events that use to hit our country. The relationship found between
archeological remains and the collapse of buildings during the
1985 earthquake, at least suggests that this is a factor to be taken
into consideration so to minimize its impact.
Therefore, restoring and consolidating architectural structures
in Mexico City must begin with the study of buried structures. If
we do not understand prior settlements and the effect of their
remains upon the performance of the soil and surface structures
as well, many interventions would be at best a temporary placebo
but would not be offering a long-term solution, far from it.
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