CIP A 2003 XIX 1 ' 1 International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
3.3. Analyses and Evaluation Stage
After the recording of descriptive data and attachment of
related visual data for each group, an extensive database has
become ready for spatial analysis and evaluation phases.
Overlay and Analysis of Data: During the analysis process,
visualization and search of various topics concerning
continuities, alterations and comparisons among physical and
social aspects of the site has been studied. Due to the overlay
and query property of GIS, working with various spatial data
one by one or as combined layers of multiple groups has
provided altogether analysis and evaluation of different
In order to evaluate the historical continuity of the Zenginler
District a comprehensive understanding of the historical
development of Antakya should be achieved. Therefore, to
visualize the expansions or reductions of the city throughout
history and to compare the changes, a set of overlay is
prepared showing the layout of the city from different eras
including Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Arabian and
Ottoman eras and existing situation. (Figure 4)
Figure 4. Overlay of historical maps
While producing overlay of visual documents onto the
designed base map and database, 3D model of the topography
and the study area is constructed so as to evaluate the
silhouette of the context.(Figure 5)
Figure 5. 3D Model of the site
Besides, following queries over the attribute data have been
carried on and their spatial distribution is visualized:
• Classification of buildings according to their types and
• Alterations, related to the building lots, space use,
structural system, Finishing material as well as
spatial/mass alterations including the definitions of types
of changes,
• Continuities/discontinuities, between original and current
situation of physical and social aspects including
function of buildings, use of spaces,
• Relations, among physical and social structure to
understand the reasons, effects and causes of alterations
and discontinuities.
Evaluation of Data: Analyses of the characteristics of the
site has been followed by evaluation process of the displayed
data in order to Find out:
• values of the traditional buildings. deFining categories of
value degrees according to the architectural features they
• problems, related to the environmental services, building
lots, buildings, pattern of use (poor sanitary conditions in
living and service spaces) including the deFinitions for the
causes, reasons and effects,
• potentials, for the improvement of houses for future uses,
participation of the inhabitants, implementation of the
preservation and rehabilitation decisions.
In the framework of input data, various queries over designed
database have provided juxtaposition and superimpose of
different spatial layers during evaluation of the analyses.
Display of the results in various formats are obtained, such as
maps, tables and charts, due to the different presentation
options in GIS. (Figure 6)
3.4 Decision
According to the information accomplished during the
evaluation stage concerning values to be protected, potentials
to be developed and problems to be solved, an Urban
Conservation Project for the study area is developed. The
conservation decisions have included general preservation
policy for the whole study area and physical interventions for
individual buildings. At that point, specific types and
categories of interventions have been defined according to
the condition of building groups classified during the
analyses and evaluation stage.
Besides, by querying of spatial data groups established
according to the problems, potentials and values during the