CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
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An initial
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ordinates. Central to this approach is the determination of
unknown values. As a result the adjustment computation
method was chosen. Characteristic of the resulting equation
systems are their small size, resulting from the direct
determination of unknown values.
The determination of gradients is numerical. A modified
Cholesky-approach with skyline-matrix is employed as
fastsolver which has proven itself in the areas of geodesy and
FEM. Initial tests use a continuous régularisation to improve
the removal of singularities resulting from datum and
configuration defects. A series of libraries resulting from the
initial implementation were used as a basis for developing the
first experimental prototype 'freak'.
A variety of different kinds of information must be obtained
and organised during the early planning phases of a project that
is relevant for later research and planning phases. However, at
this stage planning documentation has not usually been drawn
up to which this information can relate to. The common practice
of commissioning an initial detailed survey is often too
expensive as well as being time consuming. Moreover, the
results do not always reflect the requirements of the planner or
the researcher. Their information requirements are localised and
are often successively intensified.
An object-oriented approach for building surveying is proposed
based upon a sketch-like iconic initial survey which can be
progressively enriched with information detail. The objects and
their inter-relationship is the central model rather that the
geometry of the building. Different kinds of information can be
related to building objects and made available to all the project
The implementation of the system was realised as a series of
prototypes which communicate with one another using a
common data model and working platform called freak. This
system provides a model for a better organisation of
information for all areas concerned with building conservation
and World Heritage.
Donath, D.: Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Bauwerk -
Notwendigkeiten im Planen und Bauen. IKM 2003, Weimar,
Print in preparation.
Donath, D., Petzold, F., Thurow, T.: Planning relevant survey
of buildings - starting point in the revitalization process of
existing building - requirements, concepts, prototypes and
visions. The CIPA Archives for Documentation of Culture
Heritage, Volume XVIII - 2001, pp. 565-572
Petzold, F.: Computergestützte Bauaufnahme als Grundlage für
die Planung im Bestand. Dissertation, Bauhaus-Universität
Weimar, 2001