Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX 11 ' International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
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Figure 3 - Geologic map of the Marchesato 
To allow a correct representation of all the data, each 
thematic map can show only the information visible at the 
scale of the visualisation. This is possible defining for all 
information the appropriate range of the scales where they 
can be correctly represented. 
3.2 Location query 
The location query is a simple and easy way to inquire the 
database by using the location of the object of interest on a map. 
The information showed after a query have been defined by 
the specialists in order to allow an easy understanding of the 
information: in fact sometimes the best information will not 
correspond to the visualisation of the whole acquired data. 
Figure 4 - Location query of a structure 
3.3 Condition query 
This operation allows to identify those geometric entities 
which have the properties asked by the query. The query can 
be simple or complex as the user want. The condition query 
is an instruments useful in order to suggest to the specialists 
new interpretations of the data, deeper investigations. 
Figure 5 and 6 shows the selection of all the castles and 
towers documented by historical documents and a subsequent 
visualisation of the destroyed buildings. 
3.4 Temporal query 
The dating of the information has a great importance in this 
experience. The possibility of reconstruct the real life of an 
old settlement is strongly based on the correct chronological 
reconstruction of the events. 
Figure 5 - Castles (yellow) and fortified towers (green) 
active during the Middel Age in the test area 
The archaeologies can have more information on the 
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Figure 6 - Castles and towers completely destroyed in XV 
century (magenta) 
development of a phenomenon and recover missing data if 
the known information are visualized on a geographic 
support. This is particularly true in the case of old and non 
yet existing road reconstruction (e.g. all the castels usually 
were connected by roads and also farms, churches and 
settelments were conneted in same way). 
Figure 7 shows the buildings and the colours indicates the 
erection year. 
Figure 8 shows the precision of the dating information for 
each building. 
Figure 7 - Dating of the buildings

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