Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
traditional vernacular architecture in the same way as old 
Byzantine churches. 
4.6. Cappadocia Academy Website 
An actual aim of the Cappadocia Academy is the presentation of 
an informative website providing visitors with specific 
information on the scientific backgrounds of the region in terms 
of geology and the local environment, history and touristic 
travel advice, as well as to actual projects. The website of the 
academy fairvchiinnev.org, which by now is just presented in 
German, will be translated at least into English in the nearer 
After twenty years of scientific and documentary observation by 
the author in Cappadocia and the creation of the platformc 
network, basic knowledge and contacts have been provided to 
extend the activities and multiplicity of approaches towards a 
formal management structure and establishing a powerful and 
independent Site Commission next to the activities of other 
groups and the regional protection board. As the author is 
German with no formal institutional connections, many 
difficulties are experienced in finding serious and well-funded 
help from the Turkish governmental and local authority side to 
interlink officially to the actual discussion. 
Ideas for the future rank from establishing an independent non 
profit charity organization in Cappadocia or a foundation 
towards a private profit oriented consultant agency for 
monitoring, restoring and spatial development in Cappadocia. 
The actual work of the academy is dependant on free 
volunteering work of international students. But there is an 
urgent need to recruit finance sources in order to continue and 
develop projects related to the topic of the World Heritage Site 
of Goreme-Cappadocia in the future. The Cappadocia Academy 
is inviting all experts in Turkey and from other countries related 
to this field to advise help of any kind so we can establish an 
independent and official organisation and Site Commission to 
help saving and monitoring the Cultural Heritage of Goreme- 
natural as well as cultural UNESCO World Heritage Site. The 
non-profit organisation Cappadocia Academy tries to find 
answers concerning monitoring, restorating as well as the 
development of the region and realizes certain pilot projects on 
a limited base. The expert network platform c met twice in 
Cappadocia since it’s founding in the late 1990’s and 
formulated a manifesto to present some professional ideas to the 
officials in the region. One of the other aims of the academy is 
the creation of an independent documentation centre for the 
region to record the local cultural changes and ethnography as 
well as some of the of the regional oral history. Further on the 
Cappadocia Academy will provide the interest group on 
Cappadocia with basic information via a actual CD-ROM and 
an own website. Next to methods of monitoring via 
photography, audio video as well as computer based databank 
activities of the Cappadocia Academy include the observation 
of a restorating project in Goreme in response to traditional 
building techniques and functions, but also tries to find an 
„organic approach“ towards modern needs of space and living. 
Books and articles: 
Emge, A., 1990. Wohnen in den Höhlen von Göreme. 
Traditionelle Bauweise und Symbolik in Zentralanatolien. Ph.D. 
Dissertation Univ. Heidelberg. Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin, 
Emge, A., 1992. Old Order in New Space: Change in the 
Troglodytes' Life in Cappadocia. In: Change in traditional 
HabiaV. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper 
Series IASTE Vol. 37 University of Berkeley, California, USA. 
Text online at: http:/Avww.uni-koeln.de/-aO 144/iaste.htm 
Giovannini, L. (Ed), 1972 . Kunst in Kappadokien . Genf, 
Paris, München 
Documentary Film: 
Emge, A. & Sheikh, S. , 1991. TV-Film 45 min.: Zuhause in 
den Höhlen. SWF III Baden-Baden. Germany 
platform_c 2002 multimedia presentation 
in an old Byzantine cave room (picture by T. Spree) 
This short paper introduced to some of the activities provided 
by the Cappadocia Academy and their cooperating networks. 
After comparing the old vernacular way of Cappadocian habitat 
to the contemporary processes, many questions rise up towards 
a sustainable and careful development concerning this both 
Emge, A., 2002. Bibliography on Cappadocia in progress. : 
httir/Avww. fairvchimnev.com/deutsch/documentalion/bibliogra 
Cappadocia Academy website: www.faiiwchimnev.org 
platform c: website: www.platformc.net 
UNESCO website: “Goreme National Park and the Rock Sites 
of Cappadocia” htir>://www.uncsco.org/whc/sites/357.him 
International Centre for the Study of the 
Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property ICCROM: 
Mediacultura: www.mediacultura.de 
UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre WCMC: 
“Cappadocia”. Protected Areas Program: 
http://www.wcmc.org.uk:80/protected areas/data/wh/gorcme.ht 
all photographs by A. Emge © 2003

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