Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX 11 ' International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
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Figure 3: Interactive object segmentation for modeling. 
ination. Then dense image matching is performed to yield 
a dense grid of homologous point with a user-defined grid 
spacing and a dense cloud of 3D points is recovered through 
robust forward intersection. 
3.3 Model Generation 
As we need a surface model for visualization the point 
cloud is triangulated to a triangular mesh. In our experi 
ments we have reprojected the points to one of the images 
and used 2^-dimensional triangulation algorithm, which 
was readily available. For correct modeling it is however 
necessary to implement a more qualified method, which is 
able to produce a true 3D model, such as for example the 
volumetric integration method (Curless and Levoy, 1996). 
This is left for future work. 
Many artefacts contain planar regions, where a dense point 
mesh is not only redundant, but also inaccurate because of 
the inevitable noise of the reconstruction process. At the 
triangulation stage it is also possible to reduce the amount 
of data and filter the noise by detecting the planar regions 
in the point cloud with a robust linear regression algorithm 
(an example is depicted in Figure 5). The regression algo 
rithm should make use of the points’ uncertainties, which 
are known from the bundle block adjustment to yield cor 
rect planar regions (Schindler, 2003). The points inside of 
planar regions can be removed and only the polygonal out 
line triangulated. Finally the triangulated surface models 
Figure 4: User interface for defining the image ordering. 
Figure 5: Detection of planar regions for data reduction. 
are textured with photo-texture from the original images. 
The textured model of the dancing girls’ frieze (Waelkens 
et al., 2000) is shown in Figure 6. Another example of a 
textured model can be seen in Figure 7. 
Figure 6: All 12 pieces of the ’dancing girls’ frieze recon 
structed and arranged in their original positions. 
4.1 Managing Large Models 
Automatic modeling techniques, such as for example the 
one described in Section 2, deliver highly detailed 3D ob 
ject models. However the resulting meshes often by far 
exceed the rendering capabilities even of high-end graph 
ics workstations. Even worse, if it comes to deliver those 
models over the Internet, the transmission times become 
prohibitive if standardized file formats, e.g. VRML97 (The 
Web 3D Consortium, 1997), are used. It has therefore been 
an active field of research in the last years to provide tools 
to manage large and complex 3D data sets. 
There are at least three concepts that are useful in dealing 
with huge 3D objects: 
First, the raw data (e.g., the output of some acquisition and 
reconstruction process) contains much more detail than re 
quired for visualization. Thus the original object can often 
be replaced by a simplified one. This becomes particularly 
important in large scenes, where only a small fraction of

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