Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI PA 2003 XIX 1 ' International Symposium, 30 September-04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
As a result, the coloured point cloud of the 
IMAGER is shown in Figure 10. The raw data 
sets measured by the IMAGER and the DLR 
camera are the data sets shown in Figure 3-5. 
The results achieved above open a new dimen 
sion with laser scanning in the cultural heritage 
Figure 10: Coloured point cloud of 
Neuschwanstein (section) 
With the developed visual laser scanner, the 
control software and the software for model ge 
neration, very powerful tools are available that 
are suitable for most cultural heritage surveying 
tasks. The developed laser scanner offers high 
accuracy measurements in conjunction with a 
high sampling rate and large dynamic range in 
reflective properties of object surfaces (highly 
reflective to absorbing). In combination with 
the DLR Panoramic Colour Camera a precise 
and accurate monitoring of the actual environ 
ment by means of colour point clouds is 
achieved. This is unique due to its high pre 
cision and quality. Together with the meshing 
tools implemented in LF Architect a broad 
variety of cultural heritage can be semi-auto- 
matically modelled. 
In a next step further improvements on mapping 
colour and geometry by means of raw data will 
be researched with several international partners 
in research projects. 
Thanks to all involved institutes and companies, 
and especially to the support of the "Lehrstuhl 
für Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik der TU 
München” Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. G. 
Schmidt for the basic research years ago, an in 
ternational cooperation evolved which enabled 
a general application in the area of "virtual 
engineering - from survey to simulation". 
The authors would also like to thank Prof. Dr.- 
Ing. G. Hirzinger from the DLR in Oberpfaffen 
hofen for the support on this topic and the 
possibility to have access to the DLR camera 
for this project. 
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