Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
• Working prospecting shafts, including the ones with a 
• Geophysical examination methods 
The following works are conducted as a result of engineering- 
geological examinations: 
• Determination of a geologic-lithological construction 
and engineering-geological conditions 
• Determination of hydro-geological conditions 
• Determination of physic-mechanical properties of the 
• Assessment of a potential development of unfavorable 
engineering-geologic processes 
• Determination of the construction and resistance 
characteristics of the foundations 
• Assessment of the carrying capability of basements 
and foundation soils 
• Issuance of recommendations related to re 
enforcement of basements and foundation soils 
Examination of foundations and basements include the 
following works: 
1. Examination of foundations. 
Such examination comprises the working of prospecting shafts 
(including the ones with a discharge even when a very 
insignificant inflow of water is present) in order to determine 
types, constructions, geometric parameters, materials and depth 
of foundations; disclosure and description of defects and 
determination of the condition of foundations; determination of 
resistance characteristics of foundation materials applying 
methods of non-interfering control. 
2. Examination of the foundation ground. 
In the course of such examination the following works are 
performed: selection of soil probes of broken and non-broken 
structure directly out of the foundation base; drilling of holes 
with a 10-meter depth out of prospective shafts selecting 
samples of soils and water; field tests of the foundation ground 
in prospecting shafts, including shifting, stamp test and 
conducting electro-dynamic boring. 
3. Issuance of a report on the condition and supporting 
capacity of basements and foundation grounds. 
In order to prepare a final report the following works are to be 
completed: calculation of the degree of strain under the 
foundation base that resulted from the existing load; assessment 
of the carrying capacity of basements; assessment of the 
carrying capacity of the foundation ground. 
Examination of carrying constructions of on-the-ground and 
underground parts of buildings comprises the following works: 
Collection of initial information: 
• Obtaining and analysis of historic and archive project 
materials, results of previously conducted 
examinations, materials of operating services; 
• Disclosure of production and technological influence 
on the buildings. 
Preparation of a constructive scheme of the building: 
• Description of the scope-planning solution for the 
• Preparation of a three-dimensional scheme of 
placement of major carrying constructions; 
• Assessment of the general stability and firmness of 
the building. 
Measurements of constructions and their elements: 
• Determination of a constructive decision, composition 
and geometric dimensions of walls, ceilings and the 
• Determination of sections of construction elements. 
Assessment of the condition of constructions: 
• Description of general deformations of the monument; 
• Disclosure of mechanical defects that occurred in the 
process of operation of such monument; 
• Disclosure of cracks and increased deformations of 
• Determination of the extent of corrosion of steel 
elements, splitting-off of concrete (if any) and stone 
• Search for fungoid affection on constructions. 
Assessment of the carrying capacity of the building: 
• Determination of the load onto elements of the 
building with the account of completed openings; 
• Determination of the strain in constructions utilizing a 
prepared calculation scheme; 
• Controlling calculation of elements of the building 
with the account of the current condition of 
constructions and resistance-related characteristics of 
materials that were obtained through a series of tests. 
Assessment of the overall condition of the building: 
• Analysis of examination results, including an 
assessment of deformation, condition of constructions 
and calculation results; 
• Determination of the category of the condition of the 
building (normal, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, 
Preparation of recommendations in order to ensure the 
operational applicability of the monument: 
• Preparation of a list of elements to be restored or re 
• Preparation of recommendations aimed at completion 
of hydro insulation, elimination of leaks, liquidation 
of corrosion and fungoid consequences. 
Engineering-environmental examinations are conducted in order 
to assess contamination of soil, ground, surface and subsoil 
waters with chemicals or their combinations of various toxic 
categories, both of a non-organic and organic nature. 
On the basis of a complex examination of natural and man- 
created conditions the following works are conducted: 
• Evaluation of an environmental danger and risk; 
• Evaluation of a current environmental condition of 
specific elements of the natural environment and 
ecosystem in general, their resistance against any 
influence of a man-created nature and their capacity to 
return to their normal functioning; 
• Preparation of a forecast of potential changes of 
natural (natural-technical) systems in the course of 
construction, operation and liquidation of the site; 
• Preparation of a feasibility study for environmental 
and compensation events aimed at the maintenance, 
restoration and recovery of the environment; 
• Preparation of recommendations and (or) a program 
for organization and conducting of a local 
environmental monitoring. 
The entire above-presented complex of examinations was 
utilized in the course of a complex engineering and technical 
examination of the Church of Ascent in the State Outdoor 
Museum Kolomenskoye in Moscow. 
Over its almost five-century existence this church survived 
several wars, various natural disasters, fires and restorations. 
It should be noted that before the beginning of the twentieth 
century even when full-scaled restoration works were conducted 
more or less significant examinations of construction, 
basements, foundations were never carried out. 
On the basis of previously conducted examination works in 
relation to the Church of Ascent in Kolomenskoye a conclusion 
should be made that an acute need has arisen in the conducting

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