CI PA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
9.1 Combination of methodology
The Etruscan amphora was surveyed with Laser scanner and
photogrammetric tolls. Textured meshes of the object were
produced using: i) Reconstructor Software for LFR data and
digital photos, ii) Arpenteur and ROMA Software for
photogrammetric photos.
A theoretical model was produced by means of few real
measures derived from real surveyed object.
The final step of merging the different approaches in the same
tool was provided trough Surveyor Software (by Joint Research
Centre nEuropean Commission n JRC, EU). This tool allows
importing wrml models, combining and comparing them,
extracting linear-areas measurements, cross sections and
orthographic view [Sgrenzaroli, Wolfart 2002].
An experimental test was set up in order to emphasise the
potentiality of the combination between LFR and
photogrammetry. An artificial hole was created in the laser
range mesh using the Reconstructor mesh editor. The mesh
derived from photos 7R, 7C, and 7R (see figure 3) using
Arpenteur-ROMA tools was used to close the artificial hole.
9.2 Visualization and Interaction
The Surveyor Software provide different tool for managing the
combined model: i) wrml models import and export, ii) model
comparison, iii) linear-areas measurements extraction, iv) cross-
sections and orthographic view creation. Examples of these
tools used for the amphora test are show in figure 7. The
photogrammetric model of the seabed surface where the
Etruscan wreck was found combined with the LFR amphora
model is also visualized.
The first steps of a common work towards building a survey
tool that integrates the LFR technology and close range
photogrammetry based on knowledge closer to the measured
object has been presented in this article. The result is a textured
mesh coming from a laser scanner software, a mesh coming
from automatic photogrammetry using a geometrical
approximation of the object and image correlation for the part of
the object invisible by the scanner and a simple mesh for the
lacked part of the measured object coming from a theoretical
description. We are currently working on different aspect of this
problem: i) the different data source integration in the
Reconstructor Software, ii) the usage of automatic
photogrammetric measurement beyond an approximation of the
object geometry and image processing techniques, points of
interest (as for example Harrisi points), iii) the geometrical
formalization of the ideal model of the objects.
Fig. 6. On the left: Synoptic view of method combination; on the left laser range and programmatic photo, the mesh derived from
photogrammetry in the central icon, and on the right the artificial hole in the laser- derived mesh close through the mesh derived from
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