Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Torrace FU11 
« 1 _ 
ho* ,.w»n 
Structure B 
Torraco Fill 2 
Terraco Fill 3 
(above the 141‘ 
oarlior pavement) 
J416 79 
/all 3v?* 
r \A\ 6 46: 
Trench line 
1417 76' 
5417 282 
Prepared by Gülnur Uçar 
Figure 4. Fig 
(a) The large stone paved area by the Palace Complex entrance at Kerkenes; (a) 
(b) Digital photo and grayscale rectified photo of a lm x lm square of the pavement; « Stc 
(c) An inked plan produced from the AutoCAD photo mosaic printed to scale; (b) 
(d) Each lm x lm square grid of the pavement was individually photographed and the pictures were combined into a single Au 
ortho-image using ERDAS Imaging. The extensive stone pavement was laid in at least two phases. (c) 

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