CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
The signalised points with size of 10 cm x 10 cm were
established on Fatih mosque facades surfaces (Figure 2). In
addition, natural points coordinates were measured on some
region of facades. The coordinates of signalised points and
natural points were measured with Topcon total station.
Approximately 350 signalised control points and natural points
were measured for stereo restitution. During this measurement,
local coordinate frames were defined for each facade. The X-
axis of coordinate frames was parallel to the facades.
Figure 2. The signalised points
The stereo photographs of Fatih Mosque facades were taken in
normal case with semi-metric Rolleiflex 6008 of Department of
Photogrametry and Remote Sensing, Yildiz Technical
University (Figure 3). The stereo photographs of some facades
were taken in parallel-averted case because of limitations due to
trees and other buildings (Figure 4). Two different objectives
with focal length of 80 mm and 150 mm were used for
photogrametric image acquisition. During to image acquisition
base to distance ratio was selected between 1/7 to 1/10 for
better depth interpretation. Approximately 230 photographs
were taken at different scale. The whole taken images of Fatih
Mosque facades have been scanned with 21 pm pixel size as
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Figure 3. The normal case photograph of Fatih Mosque
northeast facade
Figure 4. The parallel-averted case photograph of Fatih Mosque
southeast facade
Stereo photogrammetric restitution is traditional approach for
close range photogrammetry. In Fatih Mosque documentation
project, digital photogrammetric workstation is used for stereo
restitution. Stereo plotting is preferred because of dept
differences on Fatih Mosque facades.
For stereo model generation and stereo plotting digital
photogrammetric workstation of Department of Photogrametry
and Remote Sensing, Yildiz Technical University have been
used. Digital photogrammetric workstation has two separate
monitors. One monitor is used for stereo display and second
monitor is used for additional information and graphical user
interface. Stereo viewing is achieved by liquid crystal glasses
and the infrared emitter on top of the monitor. 3D pointing
device a
camera c
150 mm
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stereo n
control p
frames v
axis of c
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of Fatih 1
vector pi
of Fatih
vector d
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