lata model, the
tned above, in
anguages exist,
e Nasca-Palpa
approach for
ng Language;
icement of the
Model). It
for conceptual
ain reasons:
well suited to
ects according
ypology. The
le first step in
vailable via a
ows graphical
data model to
ase Oracle 9i)
lata definition
\.n interactive
the DBMS is
irrent status of
ita model, the
mt conceptual
:arlier stage of
iced to a more
The objective
»metrical and
combined as
inds of data
n appropriate
raints in terms
ilations. Since
Oracle spatial
this primarily
itions to the
he geoglyphs
racteristics of
ibed in detail
t information
ing fieldwork
a MS Access
n technique,
es, etc. Some
dues and can
re than 1500
dams, 1991).
^ue, and size.
>e modeled in
"ollowing the
is achieved,
:r to establish
presented by
' denoting an
shared by all
rited by the
>ds that also
values of the
shape. The