Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

lata model, the 
tned above, in 
anguages exist, 
e Nasca-Palpa 
approach for 
ng Language; 
icement of the 
Model). It 
for conceptual 
ain reasons: 
well suited to 
ects according 
ypology. The 
le first step in 
vailable via a 
ows graphical 
data model to 
ase Oracle 9i) 
lata definition 
\.n interactive 
the DBMS is 
irrent status of 
ita model, the 
mt conceptual 
:arlier stage of 
iced to a more 
The objective 
»metrical and 
combined as 
inds of data 
n appropriate 
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ilations. Since 
Oracle spatial 
this primarily 
itions to the 
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racteristics of 
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t information 
ing fieldwork 
a MS Access 
n technique, 
es, etc. Some 
dues and can 
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dams, 1991). 
^ue, and size. 
>e modeled in 
"ollowing the 
is achieved, 
:r to establish 
presented by 
' denoting an 
shared by all 
rited by the 
>ds that also 
values of the 
shape. The

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