Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
lit IV Y** Il*me Arukrtii s.jrtaet Ijaphci U«fwc*i B*> 
iMi m № №iosi ismzsmsm Bapn3a.si.gB. 
~ ¡¡¡¡prp 03 
Thesis), ITU The Graduate School of Natural and Applied 
Sciences, Istanbul. 
Istanbul Branch of the Chamber of Map and Cadastre 
Engineers, ATEAC, 1992. Building Regulations of Large Scale 
Maps. Muka Press, Official Gazette: 31.01.1988, p. 1974 
Yomralioglu, T., 2000. Geographical Information Systems; the 
Basic Concepts and the Principles. Sponsored by Bentley, DGN 
Information Systems C.O., K.T.U., Printed by Segil Offset 
(Istanbul), Trabzon. 
Erdem, R., Yildirim, H. H., Diilgerler, O. N. (Advisor), 2001. 
The Conservation Development Plan of Urban, Archeological 
Conservation Areas of Sille. The Administrative of Circulating 
Finance of the Engineering - Architecture Faculty, S.U. 
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Figure 15. The 3-Dimensional (3D) view of the study area 
(bird’s-eye view) 
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Figure 16. The 3-Dimensional (3D) view of the study area 
As it is known, Conservation aimed development plans require 
more detailed and numerous surveying works in various quality 
rather than all sorts of planning works, to be carried out. As it is 
seen at this very point, additional new information can be 
obtained by collecting, drawing (application of the data), 
evaluating and analysing of all spatial and non-spatial data in 
GIS area. In addition to this, the very complicated data obtained 
can be controlled by means of the queries which are provided 
by GIS. Having obtained the updating of the stored information, 
GIS also ease the applications of conservation aimed planning 
decisions clearly, according to traditional labour-intensive 
evaluation methods.

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