Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
1: Salón Columnario 
2: Capilla and Torre planta I" 
3: Salón del Comercio, Salón del Consulado del Mar 
and Cambra 
4: Patio de los Naranjos 
5: Escalera de Caracol 
6: Exterior facades 
Archivo fotogrametrico (photogrammetric archive): Here all the 
stereo-partners, normal and oblique photographs are shown. 
They are perfectly distributed according to which part of the 
building they illustrate and are accompanied with their labelling 
numbers, some sketches and a brief legend. The user can access 
the whole set of images by means of successive interactive 
ground plans of the building (see figures 6 and 7). 
Second digit: 
1 : SW facade 
2: SE facade 
3: NE facade 
4: NW facade 
5: ceiling 
6: ground 
Third digit: 
0: ground floor 
1 : first floor 
Fourth and fifth digits: 
- From 01 to 99 indicate the shot number 
Figure 6. Choosing one of the building’s rooms by means of an 
interactive ground plan of la Lonja 
Sixth digit: 
images taken by a 15 mm focal length 
images taken by a 30 mm focal length 
images taken by a 17 mm focal length 
After labelling the images they were organised in different 
folders according to its first and second digit values and then 
stored in CD-ROMs under JPEG format. This makes the image 
access, loading and retrieving an easy and quick task for the 
Figure 7. Stereo-partners of the Salon Columnario's ceiling 
together with a magnified sketch 
Detalles (details): In this section the rectified images can be 
seen. They are also accompanied with some sketches (see 
figure 8). 
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Figure 8. Two of the rectified images as displayed in the digital 

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