CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
Enlaces de interés (related links): Different Web-links directly
related to the work are placed here.
Sobre nosotros (about us): Finally, in this section some
information about the restoration project of la Lonja and the
digital photogrammetric catalogue’s authors can be found.
Documentation, management and visualisation of a huge digital
photogrammetric data set requires additional specifications to
the well-known 3x3 rules.
This paper has shown an efficient way to build up a complete
digital catalogue for a UNESCO World Heritage Monument,
‘La Lonja de los Mercaderes de Valencia’. Aspects such as
fieldwork, digital image post-processing, image retrieving and
image visualisation on a multimedia package for Internet
purposes have been pointed out. Furthermore, some snap shots
of the developed user interface have been also displayed.
This work has been supported by Forum Unesco “University
and Heritage” under the project: “Estudio y Diagnosis de
Manifestaciones Patológicas de la Piedra y Proyecto de
Ejecución y Dirección de las Obras de Limpieza y
Conservación de la Lonja de los Mercaderes de Valencia”.
Forum UNESCO Home Page:
(accessed 24 July 2003).
Hemmleb, M., 1997. Digital rectification and generation of
orthoimages in architectural photogrammetry. IAPRS, XXXII
(5C1B), pp. 261-267.
Herbig, U., Waldhausl,, P„ 1997. APIS - Architectural
Photogrammetry Information System. ¡APRS, XXXII (5C1B),
pp. 23-27.
Kasser, M., Egels, Y., 2002. Digital Photogrammetry. Taylor &
Francis, London, pp. 315-317.
Lerma, J. L., 2002. Fotogrametria Moderna: Analitica y
Digital. Universidad Politècnica de Valencia, Valencia, pp. 74-
VV.AA., 2002. La Lonja de Valencia, world heritage
monument. Ajuntament de Valencia, delegació de turisme.