Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Figure 6. Street view towards the church 
It is used as Icon Museum. All of the outdoor space covered by 
hard surface and it is unbearable during the day, because there 
is nine months summer in Cyprus (Figure 7). 
Figure 7. Icon Museum 
Although the street and the square have potential to be used for 
tourist purposes for economic gain to the city, due to the 
physical and functional obsolescence, they are useless with the 
existing situation. 
Conservation of historic urban quarters has to be considered not 
as a straightforward and restrictive concern with preservation 
but a concern with Revitalization and Enhancement. Since a 
historic area is a part of the economic dynamism, it should be 
able to compete with the rest of the city, and without being 
revitalized this would not be possible (Lichfield, 1988). 
The determination of physical and functional qualities of the 
surveyed street as a result of the analysis will be followed with 
the decision of revitalization types in both means of physical 
and functional revitalization. In this course, obsolescence type 
and development dynamics of the area must be searched to 
determine the revitalization types. 
In accordance with the general obsolescence classifications; 
physical/structural, functional, locational, image and 
official/legal; obsolescence types and level of the street will be 
determined (Tiesdell, 1996). As a result of the physical analysis 
it is discovered that there are some buildings in the surveyed 
street having physical/structural deterioration, which leads 
obsolescence. Besides most of them fail to meet the 
contemporary standards and the requirement of the user, besides 
inadequacy of central heating, air conditioning and other 
contemporary facilities that are the deterrents of functional 
obsolescence. And also the general characteristics and the 
attributes of the street having organic tissue with narrow 
organization create unfavorable conditions and strengthen the 
functional obsolescence in other means. As a result of the 
mentioned attributes above the surveyed street as a general 
perception can be determined as having a high level of 
Determination of type and degree of obsolescence, which is not 
much concerned about, during problem definition and 
description of historic urban areas, is essential for sustainability 
of conservation (Doratli & Onal, 1999). 
Every place or different parts of cities as well as historic areas 
have their own characteristics and dynamics. With proper 
identification of development dynamics, it is possible to prevent 
wrong decisions related to revitalization. The surveyed area is 
more or less stable in terms of development. There is not much 
pressure for the demolition of old historic buildings. And the 
surveyed street itself has a static state of development dynamics 
and there is no demolition of the buildings that align the street. 
The further step of this research after the determination of 
obsolescence levels and development dynamics is the decision 
of revitalization types. As a result of the mentioned attributes 
above, the surveyed street needs physical and economic 
revitalization. Upon the physical obsolescence of the buildings, 
they need a physical intervention to ensure the continued 
performance of their structure and fabric is what called 
refurbishment. And some of the buildings need conversion in 
order to make the street one of the magnet points of this historic 
urban quarter since it has a potential in terms of location and 
different physical characteristics. This might be a short-term 
strategy in order to improve the infrastructure and 
environmental conditions to increase confidence in the area. 
In this course, in order to make this street sustainable, since the 
physical revitalization only may not be a long run provision, 
being only a cosmetic intervention, there is a need for economic 
revitalization as well (Leigh & Fitzgerald, 2002). 
Depending on the physical and functional obsolescence and the 
static state of development dynamics, the surveyed street needs 
a ‘functional diversification’ that the existing uses is kept to 
some extend and some new uses are introduced as a long term 
strategy. There will be a limited restructuring and some new 
uses to synchronize and support the existing economic base 
(Doratli & Onal, 1999). 
In the following part of this study, a proposal will be generated 
in accordance with the decisions mentioned above. 
As a result of physical and functional analysis and the 
determination of the revitalization types, a proposal is generated 
to enhance the qualities of the Limanarkasi. The proposal 
includes two types of revitalization: Physical Revitalization and 
Economic Revitalization. Social Revitalization do not include 
in this decision since it is considered in the Economic 

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