Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
beams. Another representative elements are the carvings on the 
centre roof bars. 
Fig.5: Fale afolau 
A different shape shows the so-called “Fale Tele”, the “Big 
House”. It is an approximation to the type of the “Round 
House”. But its unique construction progress from top to bottom 
shows, that it is not really a round house, but a further 
development of the Fale afolau that rectangular centre is 
minimized to three centre poles. As that construction is that 
special it is explained here. 
Fig.6: Construction of a Fale Tele 
At the beginning a temporarily scaffold supports the positioning 
of (mostly) three centre poles. Really eye catching are the 
bindings of coconut fibre, which are used for the assembling of 
all parts of the construction. The characteristic shape of the roof 
forms out of the bending of the wooden rafters with the help of 
a second scaffold. The positioning of the border stacks 
completes the construction of the centre part. Next the apses are 
erected. Auxiliary scaffolds stabilize the hanging construction 
during the building progress. 
A very important element of the Fale is the platform of stone. It 
functions as a protection against bugs and humidity. Apart from 
that the height of the platform serves as an architectural element 
of representation. 
The procedure of the construction of a self-sufficient hanging 
roof is unique for a wooden skeleton construction. It is an 
example for the highly developed 
2.3 Expedition photogrammetry 
Using the “3x3 Rules for Photogrammetric recording of 
architecture” different buildings where documented in a 
photogrammetric usable way. The task was to hand out the 3x3 
rules to students of architecture and find out if the explanations 
are clear to receive sufficient results without too much support 
from photogrammetric experts. At first the first point for the 
geometric rules had to be enlarged for the description of the 
planning of the pictures for the interior of a building. The figure 
below shows a recommendation for the Fale afolau. 
Traditional welcome rules and customs did not allow taking the 
pictures at best light conditions. So - funny to watch for the 
villagers - the students walked around in groups of three: one 
with the camera, one drawing the sketches and one protecting 
the camera against back light with an umbrella. 
Other aggravating circumstances were the heat, tropical rain 
showers and the narcotising effect of the welcome drink 
“Cava”. Some missing pictures and large picture scale now and 
than resulted of the unusual conditions. But within the progress 
of the journey and with some routine the recording results 
Fig.8: Taking pictures 
Students of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing produced the 
photogrammetric computation at the University of Technology 
Vienna. The program “ORPHEUS” was used for measurement 
and orientation. 
Following procedure was used and can be recommended for 
further computations on similar objects: 
To start with the definition of a local coordinate system by 
using shapes (x-y - plane, z - axis) with many points. After that 
a sub block should be adjusted sharing points of the definition 
of the coordinate system. To adjust the entire block a 
consecutive adjustment is advised always adding one or two 
further neighbouring pictures into the adjustment. 
Fig.9: Photomodel of the Fale 
Students of architecture finally measured the points and plotted 
the wire model of the object. The co-operation between students 
of different subjects offered them the possibility to learn the 
needs and work of the other disciplines. In that way better way 
for interdisciplinary communication shall be opened for future 
The measurement and the computation of the example above 
showed again the complexity of the work with amateur 
photogrammetric recordings. With the growing market of digital 
cameras and rising interest of people in cultural heritage there is 
a growing demand for the engagement with the 
photogrammetric restitution of amateur recordings. 
Fig.7: Taking of the interior

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