Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

Piero BOCCARDO (*), Giuliano COMOGLIO (*), Nadia CORGIAT LOIA (*) 
(*) Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio 
Politecnico di Torino 
C.so Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 
10129 Torino 
E-mail: boccardo@polito.it 
Commission VI, Working Group 3 
The current net technology has improved the level of territorial information sharing thanks to the development of software for 
Intranet/Intemet spreading of GIS data. This work is part of that framework as a prototype of a GIS/WEB application for 
Geographical Information Systems net distribution. 
1. Introduction 
The World Wide Web is nowadays the broader set of electronic 
information in Internet. The main Web’s objects characteristic 
is, apart from the information conveyed themselves, to contain 
hyperlinks toward others objects; these virtual links constitute 
the so-called WEB. 
The simpler Web object is a hypertext, which is an electronic 
text document. This document, in some part of the text, allows 
some links to other objects. A set of organised hypertext or 
HTML documents is called Web site; a web site can be 
displayed by means of software called Browser (for example 
Netscape, Explorer, etc.); all the pages are not in a predefine 
sequence but, by means of links, is possible to read them in 
different orders. 
HTML pages are essentially of two different types: 
1. Static pages available before client request; the web server 
display them without any particular action. User can access 
a static page by composing the URL 
(http://www.azienda.it/home.htm; see fig. 1), otherwise it 
is possible to click the ipertext link. The request is sent to 
the server that will display the HTML page. 
http о m e co m p ute r/h о me .htm 
(Windows NT Workstation) 
2. Dynamic pages. They are created after a precise user 
request. The Web browser collect all the information taken 
from the page and, using a confirmation button the 
information is sent to a Web server. The Web server 
activates a script in order to elaborate the information; 
otherwise it can build a specific query, which retrieve the 
data in the database. The results will be displayed to the 
user by means of an HTML page. Two different interfaces 
are used to manage dynamic pages: ISAPI {Microsoft 
Internet Server Application Programming Interface) and 
CGI (Common Gateway Interface). 
Figure 2 - HTML dynamic page (ref: Microsoft Peer Web 
on-line guide) 
Figure 2 shows how to send an order using the Internet 
Database Connector (IDC), an ISAPI application, used in 
this work to retrieve information in a database. 
Figure 1 - HTML static page (ref : Microsoft Peer Web on 
line guide 
The operational framework 
The present work, jointly carried on by Osservatorio Civis, 
public body involved in the restoration of Genoa historical 
centre, Intergraph Italia and Politécnico di Torino, regards the 
design of a GIS Intranet distribution. Particular attention has 
been paid to characterise the web site following different 

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