Fig. 4 - D.T.M. automatically correlated with
manual integrations (low altitude aerial coverage).
Fig. 5 - D.T.M. automatically correlated with
manual integrations (medium altitude aerial
operator, who must work ¡ike a photointerpreter of
extreme competence. The possibilities offered with
the Digital Photogram metric Workstations to
observe the stereoscopic modei by more operators
and/or researchers becomes essential in the
interpretation of the objects reading and it will be
more and more exploited in future. The vector
restitution of the large area of Cerveteri ruins has
been realised with analytical classical procedures,
after a small aerotriangulation block of 8 models.
3. Digital ortophoto of large and very large
scale photographs
The more interesting experience has been
performed by executing a mosaic of orthophotos
for the large scale images, in a rather wide area of
the excavations, and a single orthophoto of the
area that has shown successive modifications of
the excavation for a very less wide surface (around
15,000 mq). in both cases a regular grid D.T.M.
was made the area of interest, excluding some
belts with presence of thick vegetation, in which it
would be difficult to obtain a coefficient of
correlation of satisfactory value,
In the first case the grid was of 10x10 m, resulting
the step adequate to the texture and to the shapes
Fig. 6 - Orthophoto with overiayed D.T.M. (grid
5x5 m, low altitude aerial coverage).
present in the medium-scale images, for most of
the collimated points. A manual integration of the
D.T.M. has been necessary only in small parts of
images, where the presence of trees and elements
with different perspectives has needed the
presence of the operator.
In the second case, although the step was denser
(5x5 m), the automatic correlation has failed, like it
was foreseeable, in the areas with sudden
gradients and with dense vegetation, that they
have prevented a good collimation (also manual)
because of different perspective vision, being the
aerial coverage realised with a normal overlap (60-
70%). In fact, for being very low the relative height,
the objects (in the interested excavation area) with
little variations of elevation they have been easily
recognized in shape and texture; instead the
vegetation, above ail those with large hair, they
have generated the presence of some holes in the
D.T.M., that is the absence of points where there
are those objects (trees and so on).
In synthesis, with the presence of strong
perspective differences both in automatic and
manual correlation an intensification of the grid
doesn’t furnish appreciable improvements.
In the following elaboration of the orthophotos, this
problem has generated the stretching of a small
number of interpolation mashes in D.T.M. creation,
with the consequent deformation of some parts of
the images. In these cases, the best correct thing
to do it would be to ignore these small zones that
distort the total vision of the object.
4. Conclusions
The experiences exposed in this paper, executed
as a test for the Institute for the Etrusco-ltalic
Archaeology of the National Research Council in
Rome, they have allowed us to know some of the
problems related to archaeological applications
that are of not simple interpretation and