source, and E is the unit vector perpendicular to the
optical axis, and directed along the instantaneous
scanning velocity. The indices / and k refer to star i at
time k, respectively.
In this context one assumes that both classical and
relativistic apparent places effects are removed a priori
from the observed star position. In particular, the vector
F is a function of the 5 astrometric parameters which
one wants to estimate, namely: F = r(cc,8,p a ,p 6 ,it) ,
Where a and 8 are the stellar coordinates, p a , p§
are the stellar proper motions, and 71 the parallax.
In a more explicit form, the following vectorial
expression holds:
r{t) = û b (T)[l+nV R (t-T)]+nü b V T {t-T)+ nû Sun p(t) (4)
where t is the epoch of observation, T the reference
epoch, üb =Uf } (<x,b) is the unit vector in the barycentric
direction to the star, V T and V R are the star barycentric
tangential and radial velocity (AU/year), )
is the unit vector in the direction of V T , ü Sun is the unit
vector Satellite-Sun, and p is the distance Satellite-Sun
In analogy with the HIPPARCOS mission, one of the
key requirements of GAIA is the presence of two FOVs
separated by a large angle. This peculiarity, which was
originally devised in order to estimate absolute
parallaxes by observing couples of widely separated
stars, allows to easily reconstruct the arcs between
stars simultaneously observed in the two FOVs.
Therefore, the data reduction problem can be
assimilated to that of a global network adjustment of
arcs on the sphere, irrespective of the satellite attitude.
However, a correlation analysis performed on this
model has shown that in the arc approach there is a
non negligible correlation of about 0.5 among arcs
having one end in common (Betti et al., 1983).
On the other end, one can abandon the concept of arcs
and use the fact that the observations are made in two
distinct directions separated by a large basic angle, in
order to determine with sufficient accuracy the spin axis
attitude at any instant of time.
In such an approach, the equation (3) is regarded as
the condition equation, which is linearized as follow:
5-X/a = &n k * E ik + 5E ik * r ik (5)
where 6E ik is forced to be in the scanning plane, and
r ik , Ëjk are zero-order approximations.
The along satellite velocity 8E k /81 can be modeled by
a small number of parameters, as it is a very smooth
motion, while the fact that the same stars are observed
several times during the mission lifetime, gives the
necessary redundancy to the linearized
equation system.
Noting also that only a small number of attitude
unknowns is linked in time, since there is a discontinuity
every time the satellite path is actively corrected, the
structure of the resulting normal matrix of the system of
equations has a two-by-two block structure of the type:
where B and C are block-diagonal, and refer to
astrometric and attitude unknowns respectively: V and
its transpose V come from the combination of both
astrometric and attitude unknowns, and are therefore
rather full matrices. Given the extremely large
dimension of the system, numerical strategies must be
explored in order to make the solution feasible.
Numerical experiments reported in Sansô et al. (1989)
on simulated HIPPARCOS data showed that this
system can be solved using a simple iterative scheme.
First, the attitude is kept fixed and a solution is made for
the stellar astrometric parameters only; then the star
parameters are fixed, and the attitude is adjusted. The
whole process is iterated until convergence is reached.
With this scheme, even though only partial knowledge
of the covariance of the estimated parameters is
retained, the numerical complexity of the problem is
drastically reduced since only the block-diagonal sub
matrices need to be inverted.
GAIA’s feasibility studies have shown that this mission
has the potential to perform global astrometry at the
level of 10 pas.
Most of the studies carried out for GAIA are also
relevant to the new generations of ground and space
instrumentation, which make use of highly accurate
interferometry as well as active control techniques.
Further development of the concepts addressed in this
paper, regarding in particular detection system
optimization, telemetry data throughput, and data
reduction, are underway.
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V’ c