Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

Compte - Rendu of the ISPRS WG VI/3 
High Level Tutorial in Bandung 
Fahmi Amhar, Tutorial Chairperson 
In February 1997, during the business session of the first 
ISPRS WG Meeting, in Padua (Italy), the ISPRS WG VI/3 
Chairperson, with the agreement of the ISPRS Working 
Group, proposed to the past President of the ISPRS TC VI, 
Dr. Klaas Villanueva, a High Level Tutorial. It should be 
held in Bandung (Indonesia), in the two days immediately 
before the ISPRS TC VI Mid - Term Symposium, originally 
scheduled in August 1998. 
The spirit of this tutorial was international cooperation and 
transfer usefully of mature and innovative technologies, with 
the positive aim of their peaceful use. Indeed the market, as 
well as some academic affairs, are able to transfer 
technologies, but often in conflict with the spirit of the 
international cooperation which implies co-generation of 
scientists, technicians and users, in a peaceful world, 
independently on their country of origin. 
Furthermore during the preparation of this tutorial, it was 
easy to recognize that Prof. Shunji Murai, of both the 
University of Tokyo and the Asian Institute of Technology in 
Bangkok, could play an important role, in its promotion. 
Therefore he was kindly invited to be the Convenor of the 
tutorial itself, helping in both the selection of topics and 
lecturers. The preliminary program of this tutorial looked 
very interesting. 
Unfortunately unpredictable and undesirable difficulties and 
troubles, in Indonesia, imposed a delay of eight months, to 
the ISPRS TC VI Mid - Term Symposium. It imposed some 
modification in the program of the tutorial, because some 
lecturers had evident conflicts of dates, due to the spring 
semester (in Europe and North America) and some other 
previously scheduled meetings. Anyway a new satisfactory 
program was set up. 
Moreover, in this framework, also the ISPRS TC VI 
President changed. Therefore the ISPRS Council appointed 
Dr. Teuku Lukman Aziz, as its successor. The ISPRS WG 
VI/3 Chairperson wrote immediately to the new President, 
confirming the great interest in the preparation of the High 
Level Tutorial, and he agreed with this proposal, putting the 
tutorial in the preliminary program of the ISPRS TC VI Mid 
- Term Symposium. 
Consequentially a circular letter of the working group was 
spread out to around 600 people (around 100 only, among 
them, in Italy), kindly inviting all people to do all the best to 
attend both the Mid - Term Symposium and the High Level 
Tutorial. The spirit of this invitation was to urge people, both 
contributing directly with a high level participation and 
spreading out the information, as much as possible, 
increasing the success of this event. 
The High Level Tutorial was held, in the two mornings on 
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 12 - 13, 1999, in Bandung 
(Indonesia), at the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB). 
Between forty and fifty people, mostly young, from 
Indonesia and few other neighbor countries attended it. The 
tutorial was opened by the ISPRS TC VI President, Dr. 
Teuku Lukman Aziz and chaired, in the two days, by Dr. 
Fahmi Amhar and Purbandomo respectively. 
Bandung is a modem city, of medium size, in a hilly area 
surrounded by mountains, in the center of Java, the most 
important island of Indonesia. The equatorial position of Java 
gives to the landscape and panorama the evidence of green of 
the vegetation. Flowers, gardens and some ancient buildings 
make nice the city, even if modem. Moreover the relative 
altitude offers a comfortable weather, absolutely not humid, 
but for some big sudden showers. 
The cultural climate is interesting too. Indonesia, especially 
Java, is a country of long history and tradition. Starting from 
an interesting popular theater and arriving to a remarkable 
good cuisine, one can say that the cultural climate is of high 
level, because it is easy to recognize that popular culture is 
also the base for the high one. 
The first lecture was given by Prof. Alessandro Carosio 
(carosio@geod.ethz.ch), of the IGP of the ETH - Zurich 
(Switzerland). It dealt with Map Based Automatic 
Reconstruction and Visualization of Country - Wide 
Landscape Models using Techniques of Artificial 
Intelligence. The principal topics of this lecture were data - 
map acquisition, 3D data modeling, AI inference rules, 3D 
data visualization, GIS operability. 
The second lecture was given by Prof. Luigi Mussio 
(luigi@ipmtf4.topo.polimi.it), of the DIIAR of the 
Polytechnic of Milan (Italy). It dealt with Mathematical 
Aspects of Spatially Referenced Data Analysis. The principal 
topics of this lecture were statistics, spatial analysis, temporal 
aspects, integrated approach, discrete mathematics, texture 
and pattern recognition, and parsers, furnishing a suitable 
mixture of theory and practice. 
At the end of the two lectures, in the afternoon and in the 
following day, some students caught the lecturers, with the 
aim to discuss about specific problems of their interest. 
Therefore the use of a GIS in the planning of the mobile - 
telephone antennas and the application of aerial 
photogrammetry to model the terrain deformation after a 
landslide were taken into account, deeply discussed and 
brought to practical and useful suggestions. 
The following three lectures were given by three Indonesian 
scientists: the first one concluded the morning, whilst the 
remaining two ones opened the next day. Dr. Bambang 
Setyadij (setyadji@gd.itb.ac.id), of the Department of 
Geodetic Engineering of ITB in Bandung (Indonesia), gave a 
lecture on the Role of GPS for Supporting the Information 
Technology Back - tone. The keywords of his lecture were 
obviously devoted to GPS, DGPS and GIS. 
Dr. Fahmi Amhar (famhar@hotmail.com), of the National 
Mapping Center in Bakosurtanal (Indonesia), gave a lecture 
on 3D Building Model in Conjunction with a Conventional 
DTM for a True Orthophoto Generation. The main topics of 
his lecture were displacements and double mapping in 
conventional orthophoto, fusion approach to build 3D 
infrastructure, and integrated visibility analysis in true 
orthophoto generation. 
Finally Dr. Riadika Mastra (mastra@indo.net.id), the ISPRS 
TC VI Secretary for the period 1996 - 2000, of the National 
Mapping Center in Bakosurtanal (Indonesia), gave a lecture 
on Geo - information Infrastructure for Satellite - Data in 
Indonesia. The keywords of his lecture, especially focussed 
on Indonesia, were telecommunication, networks, transport 
protocols, databases, remote procedures, metadata, inter - 
The last lecture was very well given by Prof. Shunji Murai 
(chiwa@shunji.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp, murai @aic.ac.th), of both 
the University of Tokyo (Japan) and the Asian Institute of 
Technology in Bangkok (Thailand). It dealt with Global Geo 
- engineering Approach using Remote Sensing and GIS: 
Prediction of Global Deforestation from NOAA AVHRR and 
Geo - spatial Data. 
The principal topics of this lecture were remote sensing, the 
growth of the population, the deforestation and other geo - 
disasters, a very well done experiment of correlation of the

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