integrated in one only dome.
the user's point of view it works as if there would be a GPS
base station at a few kilometres distance, with direct radio
connection to the rover.
The organisation of the OMNISTAR system for one
continent is graphically resumed by the figure 3.
Fig. 3 - OMNISTAR system organisation:
1) GPS satellites; 2) OMNISTAR permanent GPS stations
network; 3) cable connection to Network Control Centre;
4) Network Control Centre; 5) Geostationary
communication satellite; 6) communication satellite
coverage; 7) end user (precision navigation or survey)
b) Cable-connected configuration. The GPS receiver is
connected by a serial cable to an external OMNISTAR kit
including antenna and receiver/decoder. Through the
serial cable pass both the differential corrections in RTCM
format (from OMNISTAR to GPS), and the GPS positions
in NMEA format (from GPS to OMNISTAR); the latter are
necessary, as told above, in order to compute the
atmospheric correction at the user’s position.
Figure 4 schematically resumes the layouts of the two
options described above.
GPS antenna OMNiSTAR™ antenna
OMNISTAR™ receiver
with integrated
GPS receiver
DGPS position
Data logger
2.3. System specifications
The main technical data of the OMNISTAR system are A) Compact configuration
briefly resumed as follows:
• Coverage: almost world-wide, with "regional" networks
for Northern and Southern America, Europe and North
Africa, Central and Southern Africa, Asia and Australia
• Connection from station network to NCC in a triple
way: VSAT, leased lines and dial-up
• Correction data message transmission frequency:
1525 to 1559 MHz band
• Differential correction format: RTCM SC-104 V.2
(including range corrections and rate of change of
corrections for all GPS satellites covering the
continental area)
• Sampling rate: 0.6 seconds (network stations); 2 to 3
seconds (message upload)
• Atmospheric biases evaluation effected at each base
2.4. User equipment
As for the hardware, there are many possible options, but
they can be resumed in two only equipment types:
a) All-in-one configuration. GPS and OMNISTAR receivers
are fully integrated. The two antennas can be also
GPS antenna OMNISTAR™ antenna
B) Cable-connected
Fig.4 - OMNISTAR user’s hardware configurations