coincident observation. This is an exact interpolator.
The power parameter determines how quickly weights
fall off with distance from the grid node. As the power
parameter approaches zero, the generated surface
approaches a horizontal planar surface through the
average of all observations from the data file. As the
power parameter increases, the generated surface is a
"nearest neighbor" interpolator and the resultant surface
becomes polygonal. The polygons represent the nearest
observation to the interpolated grid node.
One of the characteristics of I.D. is the generation of
"bull's-eyes" surrounding the position of observations
within the gridded area. It is possible to assign a
smoothing parameter during inverse distance gridding,
which causes their reduction.
2. Kriging (KR.)
It is a geostatistical gridding method that produces
visually appealing contour and surface plots from
irregularly spaced data. KR. attempts to express trends
that are suggested in the data so that, for example, high
points might be connected along a ridge, rather than
isolated by bull's-eye type contours.
3. Minimum Curvature (M.C.)
The interpolated surface generated by M.C. is analogous
to a thin, linearly-elastic plate passing through each of the
data values with a minimum amount of bending. It
generates the smoothest possible surface while attempting
to honour data as closely as possible. M.C. is not an exact
interpolator however; this means that the residuals are not
always small.
4. Nearest Neighbor (N.N.)
The N.N. gridding method assigns the value of the
nearest datum point to each grid node. This method is
useful when data is already on a grid, but needs to be
converted to a Surfer grid file. Or, in cases where the data
is nearly on a grid with only a few missing values, this
method is effective for filling in the holes in the data.
5. Polynomial Regression (P.R.)
P.R. is used to define large-scale trends and patterns in
the data. It is not really an interpolator because it does not
attempt to predict unknown Z values.
It is possible to select the different types of polynomials,
among the following ones: simple planar surface, bi
linear saddle, quadratic or cubic surface.
It is a very fast method for any amount of data, but local
details in the data are lost in the generated grid.
6. Radial Basis Functions (R.B. F.)
Radial Basis Functions are a diverse group of data
interpolation methods. All of the R.B.F. methods are
exact interpolators. It is possible to introduce a smoothing
factor to all the methods in an attempt to produce a
smoother surface and to specify some functions in order
to define the optimal set of weights to apply to the data
points when interpolating a grid node.
7. Shepard's Method (SH.)
This method uses an inverse distance weighted least
squares method. As such it is similar to the I.D. to a
power interpolator but the use of local least squares
eliminates or reduces the "bull’s eye" appearance of the
generated contours. SH.’s method can be either an exact
or a smoothing interpolator.
8. Triangulation with Linear Interpolation (TR.)
It is an exact interpolator. The method works by creating
triangles by drawing lines between data points. The
original data points are connected in such a way that no
triangle edges are intersected by other triangles. The
result is a patchwork of triangular faces over the extent of
the grid.
Each triangle defines a plane over the grid nodes lying
within the triangle, with the tilt and elevation of the
triangle determined by the three original data points
defining the triangle. All grid nodes within a given
triangle are defined by the triangular surface. Because the
original data points are used to define the triangles, data
set is honoured very closely and the residuals are small.
TR. works best when data points are evenly distributed
over the grid area. Data sets that contain sparse areas
result in distinct triangular facets on a surface plot or
contour map. TR. is very effective at preserving break
Using the set of data obtained from the survey on the
ground many tests of interpolation have been carried out
with the purpose to choose those more reliable for the
elaboration of the DEM.
The faithfulness of the interpolated DEMs has been
evaluated through two criteria:
- a “statistical” criteria
a criteria based on the “visual analysis”
The values minimum and maximum of the residuals and
theirs statistic parameters, i.e. the average and the
standard deviation, have been calculated and appraised.
Contour line maps have been outlined to verify adherence
of the graph to the real morphology of the ground and to
locate, within the interpolated zone, possible zones with
anomalous characteristic elements.
For the experimentation a computer compatible IBM
from the following characteristics has been used: Intel
Pentium III 450 MHz processor; 128 MB RAM.
The first series of interpolations has been carried out with
all the methods foreseen from the software SURFER. For
all methods the options of default have been set, sort
exception for the method P.R. for which as default is
defined the plain, while a polynomial function of degree
10 has been chosen.
A rectangular area that includes the surveyed zone has
been considered and the chosen grid step has always been
equal to 2 m.
In the table 1 the residuals and their statistic parameters
for the three landslides are summarised, together with the
number of sampled points and the number of points with
residuals calculated.
Possible difference between the two values points out the
number of knots of the grid in correspondence of which
some value of height has not been calculated, because of
the lack located of an enough number of points furnished
in input. The elaboration time for the creation of the
DEM is also reported.