талу occasion to meet, due to professional reasons too. I
remember in particular two events. The first was in 1982/83,
when we together studied the catastrophical coastal Ancona
landslide. He coordinated the photogrammetric surveys,
comparing the situation preceding the event with that
following. 1 was instead responsible of the geophysical
Since no survey were carried out before the landslide, the
photogrammetric surveys turned out to be fundamental. In
this way, we were together able to build a reliable mechanism
model of that exceptional event, useful for the following
consolidation and rebuilding interventions and, in a general
way, for the territory use.
In 1988, Mariano offered me to repeat the gravimetric survey
in the Milan municipal area, already carried out by Solaini
and Cunietti in 1951. The measures taken then (all personally
taken by Cunietti) showed a clear negative anomaly, nearly
circular, centred on the town, whose cause was considered to
be essentially related to aquifers, and also associated to the
phenomenon of the subsidence that created some problems to
civic monuments too. In the meantime, under the supervision
of Cunietti, was created a close network of leveling bench
marks in all the municipal area.
Thanks to the help of Agip, with pleasure we repeated and
extended the measures taken in 1951, measuring the gravity
on the leveling bench marks by means of a microgravimeter
and connecting the city network to the regional Agip network
of the Po River plain. The negative anomaly remained
fundamentally the same. Thus has been verified the excellent
reliability of the measures taken by Cunietti and also, as our
models demonstrated, has been found, that the cause of the
density fault, under Milan, is due to surface lithology,
remained similar to that existing before the town foundation.
Unfortunately this last meeting didn’t be gladdened, as the
previous ones, by convivial reunion. The disease that slowly
lead Mariano to death was already active. However he was
not overcome by this: calm and courageous, he talked about it
and he was able to handle the situation. I like to remember
Mariano Cunietti in this way: rigorous in his research activity
and work; severe towards himself; tolerant with the other
Roberto Cassinis