Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

solutions and improvements to the entire process. 
Together with the clients and conservators from 
regional Institutes for the Protection of the Natural 
and Cultural Heritage, we are building an 
increasingly more comprehensive system of 
documentation which will be breifly presented 
Our development in the above mentioned projets is 
oriented into: 
• teamwork on projects 
• promotion of photogammetry in the humanities 
• production of technologically advanced forms 
of documentation 
• preparation of recommendations for standards 
3.1 Teamwork on projects 
Professionals from various technical and humanities 
fields meet in this work, therefore at least a general 
knowledge of several fields is required from 
participants. The extent, content and form of the 
products are agreed with the conservators. Various 
options are presented and we attempt to find the 
best possible solution together. The structures differ 
in their external appearance, condition, type of work 
required, etc., therefore the procedures and products 
used are never competely the same. Sometimes it is 
also necessary to harmonize various work methods 
on a single project. The success of such cooperation 
has been demonstrated in the implementation of the 
Tito Square project in Koper and professionally 
coordinated by the Intermunicipal Institute for the 
Protection of the Natural and Cultural Heritage, 
Piran, in which photogrammetric, georadar and 
thermographic measurements were geolocated in a 
unified form. We were able to compare the products 
directly and interesting results were obtained. For 
example: the photogrammetrically evaluated 
damage to the pavement matched the georadar 
interpretation of findings below the surface. The 
project was presented at an international conference 
of the ICAP (International Committee on 
Architectural Photogrammetry) in Goteborg (Gu ek 
et al, 1997). 
3.2 Promotion of photogrammetry in humanities 
in Slovenia 
Together with the Cultural Heritage Office of the 
Republic of Slovenia we have thus far prepared two 
exhibitions at the Ljubljana Information Centre, the 
first one in 1996 (Documenting of the Cultural 
Heritage) and the second one in first exhibition, a 
round table discussion was organized about 
problems in documenting structures which are part 
of the cultural heritage. Here, for the first time in 
Slovenia, representatives of different professions 
discussed this matter publicly. A thematic issue of a 
journal issued by the Cultural Heritage Office of the 
Republic of Slovenia of the Ministry of Culture was 
titeled »Photogrammetry as a Method of 
Documenting Cultural Heritage«. A film (VHS, 15 
minutes) entiteled The Socerb Castle - Preservation 
of a Cultural Monument was shown at the opening 
of the second exhibition, at which we presented an 
example of the work of conservators and 
ph otogram m etr i sts. 
3.3 Production of technologically advanded 
forms of documentation 
This topic is fairly extensive, therefore only the 
main developmental phases and achievements will 
be described. About three years ago we focused our 
work into 3D production of documentation of 
objects of cultural heritage. Today we find that our 
decision was correct, because trends around the 
world are identical (Kraus, 1997). Development was 
based on high-power personal computers and the 
available software (AutoCAD among others), to 
which we added our own programs. The first such 
program was named 3D (Jane i , 1996) and it was 
later upgraded and renamed ARCHOS. This 
program enables us to make spatial models from 
photogrammetric and geodetic data about it. The 
basic principle employed in making models is to 
preserve to the greatest possible extent the level of 
accuracy of the capture of the original spatial data. 
Our development thus went from the first attempts 
at modelling individual facades and the production 
of wireframe models and surface models to photo 
models. We place the highest priority on metrical 
quality, but visualisation contributed to greater 
attractiveness and a clearer presentation. A few 
interesting projects are presented below. 
3.4 Preparation of recommendations for 
Without consistently documented procedured and 
organization of photogrammetric data and results, 
there is a risk of loss of information or data abuse. 
Occasionally, incomplete documentation is

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