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data and results,
on or data abuse,
mmentation is
submitted and archived. Before, clients usually
received only graphical products and
photogrammetric images. The results cannot be
checked or upgraded unless an entire report is
available, containing all data, from field
measurements and identification of reference points
to orientation protocol, etc.
The preparation of minimum standards for technical
documentation has therefore become an important
part of the Surveys project. This issue is quite
extensive and complex and requires a thorough
knowledge of the field. On the basis of our
experience, study of foreign literature and
professional contacts abroad, we have so far
prepared recommendations for standards for the
technical part of the metrical documentation of
objects of cultural heritage. In the report we defined
the entire photogrammetric process, from field
measurements to possible products, and designed
detailed technical requirements for each phase. We
also determined the compulsory elements that
reports must contain. Particular attention was paid
to protective photogrammetric surveys, with the
objective of achiving such execution of
photogrammetric and geodetic surveying of objects
of cultural heritage with methods that would enable
us, if necessary, to metrically reconstruct the object
as a spatial whole with its basic elements, i.e. its
facades. Due to limitations in funding, it is possible
to produce complete metrical documentation, from
images to the final product, for only a few objects.
This mehod, however, would enable us to document
a greater number of objects, and the evaluation of
images could be performed later, if necessary.
Campaigns for protective photography are in
4.1 Socerb Castle
In this project, we developed a system of
comprehensive structure documentation on the basis
of a 3D model. The practical objective of the
project was to produce metrical documentation of
the existing condition of the castle at different
levels of accuracy and in different forms. A
geodetic site plan existed for the castle and its
surroundigs, as well as an approximate 3D surface
model of the castle’s exterior. The conditions for
field work were difficult, because the castle is
partially inaccessible (it is built on a cliff), its walls
are made of rock and the surfaces of its exterior
facade are irregular. The castle was originally much
higher, but it was destroyed by a fire caused by
lightning. Additional geodetic and photogrammetric
measurements first improved the accuracy of the
existing surface model The consistency of the
model’s topology was checked and corrected. Due
to the stone structure of the facades, we used model
rendering (adjustment of textures to the surfaces)
with photogrammetric images (possibility of
combining vectors and rasters provided by
AutoCAD rl4). A so-called photo model was
obtained. The mean error of the produced model is
+/- 20 cm. Certain facades and details needed to be
evaluated at a greater accuracy, i.e. +/- 2 cm,
therefore digital ortophotographs were made.
Digital orthophoto plans are a very suitable form of
metrical documentation, because the interpretation
of details is performed by the professionals
themselves. The use of functions and filters for the
digital processing of images is an additional help.
Photomosaics were prepared for certain parts of the
castle and some details were photographed for
purposes of interpretation. In order to be able to
unite all these different products into a single
system, we produced a photographic-attribute
database, which was connected with the produced
three-dimensional model through graphic icons. By
clicking the icons, the following information can be
obtained on the existing documentation: is it
photography, photomosaic or digital orthophoto; are
the images analogue or digital; what is the accuracy
of the product, etc. If the image is in digital form,
we can view it, if it is in analogue form, we can find
out where it is located in the archives. Notes can be
added to data. The described contents of the
database were prepared especially for this project,
but any information can be included. For this
purpose we produced our own program entiteled
FOTO-AT. Finally, we also created a visualisation
of the model in the 3D Studio MAX r2 program,
whereby we used standard rendering parameters
(Figure 1). In our further work on the project, we
are planning to produce reconstruction of the castle
on the basis of the existing pictorial materials
(Valvasor’s drawing and photographs of the castle
before work on the structure in 1925).
4.2 Ruins of the Vodri Castle near Slovenj
In the opinion of Dr. Ivan Stopar, a reputed Slovene
medievalist and castleologist, the ruins of the Vodri