Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

e this approach 
Co enhance the 
nel and of the 
is of this sort of 
nisition to the 
suits has been 
image simulator 
derstand all the 
ng the gene 
itton (Consiglio 
A), and special 
Granjeaud, S., 
A. M., Jordan, 
96). Multiplex 
5, quantitative 
many genes in 
[n: Nucleic Acid 
Huang, J-Y., 
7-C., Lee, P-J., 
W., Wu, C-W., 
.ng expression 
ially expressed 
system with 
ics 51: 313-324. 
, P. O., Bittner, 
hen, Y., Su, Y. 
se of a cDNA 
ession patterns 
14: 457-460. 
Brown, P. O. 
c and genetic 
genomic scale. 
Complete cDNA 
Figure 2 - Image construction scheme with 
cDNAs as targets. 
Figure 3 - Image construction scheme with 
oligonucleotides as targets. 
RNA messen 
Fluorescent cDNA 
>yrne, M. C., 
Chee, M. S., 
obayashi, M., 
h L. (1996).

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