Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

juarry of Verano 
/ vertexes 
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Naviglio (Milan) 
local network: 
1.1.2 The georeferentiation of the detail vertexes 
The georeferentiation of the detail vertices is obtained 
respect to the vertexes of the fixed GPS network 
described upper. On these secondary vertices it is 
possible to make station with the topographic instruments 
for the detail measurements. The vertexes of the detail 
network, propagated from the primary vertexes, can be 
materialized through quick modalities. These vertices can 
be easily repositioned and the position can be calculated 
ex novo from the primary vertexes; the primary vertexes 
have to be positioned where is non prevented the activity 
of extraction, perhaps around the limits of the quarry. 
The connection of the local GPS network with the Gauss- 
Boaga system has been obtained connecting one or more 
points to one IGM95 vertices and to two altimetric points 
belonging to the fundamental network. 
All these measurements of the three local network has 
been processed together by least square adjustment. 
1.2 The Survey of the detail 
The second phase of surveying is the survey of the 
details. In function of the typologies of the quarries the 
instrumentation to support the survey detail has been 
chosen: two are the methodologies that can be adopted 
in function of the different typologies of the quarries. 
For the under water quarries (quarry at the ground water 
table and at the stratum superficial) it has been used a 
GPS (RTK modality) associated to an echo-sounder, for 
the open quarries it has been used a total station 
motorized no prism. 
We have to remember that this survey is finalized to the 
estimation of the volume of the area of extraction and to 
the building of a DTM which have to satisfy the 
characteristics of the precision for this work. 
The survey of the detail has to be integrated with further 
information about the characteristic elements of a quarry, 
such as the position of the electric network, buildings, and 
other which allow to better represent the quarry. 
Two are the methodologies that can be adopted in 
function of the different typologies of the quarries. 
1.2.1 Open quarry 
The instrumental characteristics. To survey sectors of the 
open quarries is suggested to adopt a total station 
motorized no prism positioned on the vertexes used for 
the georeferentiation or for the vertexes of integration. 
This kind of advanced instrumentation has impulse laser 
range finder that allows to measure the distance, without 
prism, of many hundred of meters using the natural 
surfaces like reflective surfaces. With these instruments 
is possible to improve the accuracy of the volume 
estimation thanks to the points density that can be 
obtained with the automatic modality and determining 
homogeneous areas inside which the terrain is scanned. 
These total station motorized can survey some thousands 
of points per hour. The data surveyed (azimuth, zenith 
directions and distance). Data are registered on file 
Generally the open quarries are characterised by fronts 
with steep slope. 
The applications have shown the obvious necessity to 
acquire, during the survey, the breakline located in the 
quarry area. Consequently is extremely important to 
realize an higher density grid of points. Only in this case it 
can be obtained the precision necessary to avoid 
conflicting on the volume estimation. Also the density of 
the points has a fundamental role particularly in the case 
of irregularly surfaces like it’s the case of the quarry. 
In the following table is shown that assuming as a datum 
volume ( the definitive configuration) the one obtained 
using all the points surveyed (14929), the percent of error 
drastically decrease from a 50x50mt grid to a 5x5m or 
2x2m grid. 
Fig. 6 The survey of an open quarry with higher concentration of points in correspondence to the change of slope and of

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