Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

QuickTime, 1995, Inside Macintosh. Addison-Wesley 
Publishing Company. 
In this paper we have presented a method to build virtual 
models employing photographs taken from real environments. 
The use of the photographs is of course more suited for an 
excellent virtual visit because they reproduce exactly the scene, 
in fact it is impos-sible to do the same thing with “synthetic” 
images, pasted on reconstructed environments. 
The image acquisition can be difficult in same cases, for 
example often the camera setup cannot be optimized according 
to the visiting environment. Furthermore the viewangle of the 
camera is limited, i.e. a camera with focal length of 28mm 
yields a field of view of 60° and with 15 mm it yields a field of 
90°. The objectives with such reduced focal length are very 
expensive and give highly distorted images. So, if we use these 
objectives, we have to correct the distortion prior to build the 
panoramic view. 
Another issue, related to data collection, regards the availability 
of sufficient number of camera stations: the more they are the 
better can result the final model, but in the same time the 
number of digitizing photos increases so as the time needed for 
image processing. 
Macintosh Programmer’s Workshop, 1995, Introduction to 
MPW, Apple Computer Inc. 
This study has been developed within the project “Definition of 
a quality model for 3D digital cartography carried out by digi 
tal photogrammetry, with suitable features for representing 
urban building for planning mobile phone networks”. 
Partly financed by MURST (Italian Ministry of University and 
Research) in 1997 as a project of relevant national interest. 
National coordinator: Riccardo Galetto; head of the research 
unit: Antonio Vettore. 
Boscaini, A., 1995.Visualizzazione di ambienti caratterizzati da 
dati di struttura e di tessitura. Thesis, Padua University. 
Michelin, M., 1995. Calcolo di trasformazioni proiettive 
tramite accoppiamento di punti caratteristici. Thesis, Padua 
Wolberg, G., Digital image warping. IEEE Computer Society 
Press Los Alamitos, California. 
Shenchang, E.C., 1995, QuickTime VR - An image—based ap 
proach to Virtual Environment Navigation. Computer graphics 
proceedings, annual conference series. 
Szeliski, R., 1996, Video mosaics for Virtual Environments. 
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 
Quick Time VR Authoring Tools Suite, 1994, Apple Computer 
Doyle, K., Cannot, J., April 1996, QuickTime VR 1.0 Panorama 
Movie File Format, Apple Developer Technical Support. 
Technote 1035. 
Chen, M., Cannot, J., April 1996, QuickTime VR 1.0 Object 
Movie File Format, Apple Developer Technical Support. 
Technote 1036.

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