Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

The research has verified, in a practical application: 
the adaptability of the guidelines proposed by CEN 
for architectural goods documentation; 
the implementary of a data structure on any software 
platform (MGE, ARCINFO, ArcView, Atlas Gis, 
cataloguing of architectural goods without the 
necessity of a specific software; 
the possibility of insertion into the already existing 
Land Information System. 
The collected data constitute the minimum structure that 
is necessary for the surveying of an architectural object, 
while the metadata represent the minimum structure 
necessary to guarantee a correct use of these data. It 
would be desirable that, together with the necessary care 
in the collection of the primary metric data, already 
acquired by 
whoever deals with the documentation and cataloguing of 
the architectural goods, a likewise meticulous care in the 
documentation of the data should be added in order to 
make the use of the archives possible and easy for the 
ever growing number of users. 
Waldhàusl, P., Ogleby, O. 1994. 3x3 Rules for simple 
photogrammetric documentation of Architecture. Arch, 
of photogrammetry and remote sensing, voi xxx-Part 5, 
Mogorovich, P., Renda, O. 1996. Utilizzo di 
metainformazione secondo Cen/Tc 287. VII Conferenza 
Italiana sui Sistemi Informativi Geografici am/ffn, Pisa. 
Herbig U., Waldhàusl, P. 1997. Apis - architectural 
photogrammetry information system — Proc. CIPA 
International Symposium 1997, 23-27 
«»Area OGR 
gestione Base Dati 
Identificazione j Descrizione | Qualità complessiva j 
Sistema di riferimento I Estensione LMstau&fiieaJ I 
Gestione della Base Dati 
-Nome abbreviato 
C.so Duca degli Abruzzi n°24 
Proprietario, Gestore, Distributore 
ProL log. Dequal Sergio 
Tel 011/5647663 
-Persone di riferimento: 
Ing. Rinaudc Fulvio Tel 011/5647659 
e-mail @rinaudo.polito,it 
Geom. Maschio Paolo Tel 011/5647666 
Figure 3.8 - Example of a “GENERAL 
PROJECT” module

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