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could lead to a
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ain interest) its
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al design of the
nly known,
le selection of
3 system and
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, the reference
parallel to the
jdinal section,
and final spans
as a rule, the
buildings have
undergone modifications that testimony, above all, different
construction stages; resulting in the lengths related to the
almost parallel planes being reduced while almost
orthogonal planes would provoke shifting between different
faces inserting them in foreshortening. It’s interesting to
point out the way in which the projection system risks to
include ambiguity in interpreting measurement result, even
though it has been made in best possible way.
The plenty of acquired data has brought up, during the
processing, a series of thoughts on their possible use, on
future developments of these methodologies and on the
corrections to be applied during data acquisition process,
in order to quicken up the operation of image creation.
Thanks to the relative speed and simplicity of data
acquisition and to ever common calculation programs, it
is possible to transfer to the processing phases the
simplified geometric assumptions, deriving from the
number of acquired points: two points are needed to define
a line, three to define an arc, four for a sphere, but is it
really a line, a circumference arc, a spherical element?
A search for mathematical relations that could
demonstrate as closer as possible the real architectural
shape out of aggregate of the measured points, minimizing
the error, until recently it was more easily applicable to
photogrammetric images and now it is possible also to
start with the data acquired by topographical methods
provided that they have been subordinated to a preliminary
and precedent surveying project containing the detail
There is no need to make an indistinct number of points
but it is necessary to collect the date that reflect reasonable
choice that could be rebated in the calculated stage in
which the data could be composed to the geometric
theories reflecting the concept itself of the architectural
The result could be compared using general relations,
cone, quadratic, ellipsoid, resolving equation system that
a being a formal preliminary proposition.
In this case a computer becomes indispensable for the
comparison of the similar forms and for eventual reiteration
and search for the most adequate ones.
Studying the partition of errors and their relative value, it
will be possible to observe directly the deformations of an
architectural structure and to furnish necessary information
on the conservation stage of the building.
Porter A. K., Lombard Architecture, 3° voi., New Haven,
London - Oxford. 1917.
Bezoari G., Guzzetti F., Impianto generale di un rilievo
architettonico. Recuperare, 2/92.
Astori B., Bezoari G., Guzzetti F., Analogue and digitai
methods in architectural photogrammetry. Atti
dell’lnternational Congress of Photogrammetry and
Mathematical model software are very useful instrument
for managing such a bulk of information and maybe they
are opening a new prospective that would allow us to cross
over the limits of the conventional representation.
To the necessary critical selection that makes the survey
and the graphic representation an instrument of immense
value, it is also to be added the valuable characteristics of
a photo. A passage from analogical to digital allows
nowadays more flexible use of a photo imaging that
releases a “global memory” to analytical designs achieved
by topographic measurement.
Aiming at a reduction of a field work and in order to document
in a best possible way the metric difference of the surfaces,
digital rectification of the walls within the nave has been
made thanks to which it was possible to define in detail
the values achieved outlining the areas where the contours
have been measured by topographic use of points (figg. 5,
6, 7, 8).
For each single span, it was prepared, together with the
profile measurement, acquisition of at least five visible
and accurately monographed control points aimed at
creating the topographic support to digital rectification.The
filming has been made with a Rollei 6008, with 50 mm
zoom, supplied with a reticle with 9 crosspoints. Long
periods of exposure, due to the lack of light, required a
For the colour scanning of the photograms provided in that
way, a resolution of 800 dpi has been used; the prospective
correction of the imaging has been made using a
commercial software.
Thanks to the control points acquired in one single
reference system, it was possible to set a mosaic of
photograms although it lacked the overlapping areas
between the adjacent images as they were interrupted by
the veils and transversal arches (obviously not belonging
to average rectification plan).
Through the vectorialization of digital results the
representation of elevations has been completed.
The joined use of the two systems allows a minor
geometrical abstraction reducing the gap between what
has been measured with the measuring operations and
what has been calculated during data processing (fig.9).
Remote Sensing. Washington, 4-15 agosto 1992,
Commissione V.
Guzzetti F., Tucci G.,// nuovo rilievo topografico per il
recupero. Recupero & Conservazione 14/97.
Guzzetti F„ Rilievo tridimensionale di una torre finalizzato
all'analisi strutturale agli elementi finiti. Rivista del
Dipartimento del territorio, n. 2 1997, Roma.