(**) DINSE - Politecnico di Torino - Facoltà di Architettura
Viale Mattioli, 39, 10125 - Torino - Italy
Tel. (+39)011/5644380 e-mail:spano@archi.polito.it
KEY WORDS: Archaeological GIS, Digital Photogrammetry, Cataloguing, Digital Images
The aim of this work was to design a GIS for archaeological investigations, to deal with the area known as the Marchesato di
Saluzzo, an area situated in the southern part of the Piedmont Region in the North West of Italy. This system has been set up to
reconstruct the basic materials, the settling dynamics and the exploitation of the environmental resources of a complex and
articulated society that existed between the XI and XV centuries. The object was to set up a GIS for the global management of the
archaeological data which is able to correlate data of a heterogeneous nature obtained from different fields such as archaeology,
geology, botany, history, anthropology and surveying. Apart from the census, cataloguing and archiving requirements, the GIS can
be considered a true research and analysis instrument that is able to supply information and therefore renewed interpretation starting
points following the interrogation of the georeferenced data. The cartographic basis, at different scales and of different types
(thematic and cadastral maps, orthoprojections and stereophotomaps), make up the metric reference material to which a rich
relational database obtained from different fields can be added.
The project of a new concept GIS for archaeological sites arose out of the collaboration between Politecnico di Torino and Turin
University (Università degli Studi di Torino). This project has permitted the coexistence of different language and data types. In fact
archaeological data sets are implemented with geological and historical data. Geomatics allows the integration of these different
dataset and also offers the possibility of interpreting historic landscapes. Different competencies and fields of study which were
integrated in order to develop a “synergetic effect”.
Digital maps allows one to understand development logic of ancient settlements and their relationship with the road and
hydrographic networks, their connection with the land resources and the geomorphic characteristics of the region. Geomatics is an
indispensable instrument for land analysis and takes on an indispensable role in the creation of an archiving, analysing and
representing instrument of a complex reality.
The project was developed in two main steps: the use of SIT technology for the archiving and automatic consultation of data of
different natures and the integration with innovative surveying techniques such as photogrammetry, laser scanning and remote
sensing. The project is at present under way and, up till now and the activities that have been carried out are the creation of a
relational database, georeferencing of the data collections at different scales, definition of the metadata and the production of the
aerial stereophotomap of the town of Saluzzo and of the stereophotomap of the castle rise.
The activities yet to be performed are the enlargement of the database involving new fields of study such as cultural anthropology,
history of art and botany, integration with the metrical supports for the analysis of the masonry and integration with aerial and
satellite images for the geological, anthropological and archaeological analyses.
2.1 The database and the georeferencing of the data
The database is made up of an archive system which contains the work of studies that have been performed in the different fields that
are involved. Among the criteria that have guided the planning of this relational database two aspects were considered to be of great