Albery, Boccardo, Spanò
2.3 The stereophotomap
A feasibility study (COFIN 2000) is at present being carried out and a prototype is being made for the connection of the 3D
Navigator to a GIS. Up to now the stereophotomap of the town of Saluzzo has been made. Starting from a flight carried out over all
the urban areas, photogrammetrical blocks have been connected of the façades of the buildings on either side of the rise to the Castle
and Piazza della Castiglia. The stereophotomap was made so as to be able to study the buildings, their position in the medieval
settlement and the analysis of the masonry (Fig. 4).
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Figure 4: An aerial and a terrestrial image, both extracted from stereophotomap
The first part of this work has shown how it is possible to integrate cartographic and alphanumeric data, even when their consistency,
nature, representability and precision are extremely heterogeneous. These limits have been completely overcome through the use of
a unique cartographic representation system, equipped with an accurate description of all the used data.
A great effort has been made to implement simple to use procedures that allow quick consultation, editing and interpretation of the
alphanumerically and cartographic data even when the user is not an expert in the involved fields of study; this characteristic
therefore allows one to also use this system in non professional contexts (museums, travelling exhibitions etc.) in which extraction,
simple visualisation and query procedures should be considered the main priority.
In the near future, thanks to the financial support that has been received, the system will be completed, as far as the essential aspects
are concerned; data from new technological environments such as the acquisition of high geometric and spectral resolution images
from satellites and aeroplanes will be integrated and new instruments will be used for the derivation of the metrical characteristics at
a large scale such as photogrammetrical digital cameras and ground laser scanners.
The project has been financed by MURST and the Marcovaldo Cultural Society.
Just an example of a similar GIS: http://www.informatics.org/france/france.html
Archeologia e Calcolatori (1994-2000), http://cisadu2,let.uniroma 1 .it/iaei
Dequal S., Lingua A., Menci L., Rinaudo F.( 1999). Il Navigatore 3D per la gestione simultanea di più modelli stereoscopici dei
centri urbani. Atti della 3 a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA - Napoli, LXXVII-LXXX1I.