The Application of Photogrammetric Survey ... the Great Ceiling at Peterborough Cathedral
ensure that the accuracy ot the colour balancing can match that of the image geometry. However the image files generated have been
manageable within standard off-the-shelf drafting packages by the conservators themselves and have been easily combined with line
data from a number of sources to produce the required composites. Therefore it is safe to say the great ceiling at Peterborough
Cathedral has now been successfully surveyed using a combination of both traditional and modern photogrammetric survey
The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance of Mick Clowes, Steve Tovey and Nick Beckett with this survey project.
Thanks also go to Julian Limentani, David Heath, Ian Harper and the rest of the Peterborough Ceiling Project Board for their
enthusiasm in the use of photogrammetry and Richard Lithgow who had the front-line task of working with all this new data on site.
Finally acknowledgement is due to the Dean and Chapter at Peterborough Cathedral.
Bryan, P.G. and Clowes, M., 1997. Surveying Stonehenge by Photogrammetry. Photogrammetric Record, 15(89), pp. 739-751.
Bush, P., 1997. The Painted Ceiling of Peterborough Cathedral. Paul Bush.
Higham, The Revd. Canon J., 1995. Peterborough Cathedral. Pitkin Pictorials.
Howard, H., 1998. Peterborough Cathedral, Nave Ceiling: Scientific examination of the original decoration of bays 36-39. Courtald
Institute of Art.
Mead, A., 1999. With the Grain. The Architects Journal 13.5.99 pp. 26-29.