Siedler, Hemmleb, Sacher
Fig. 12: Image map of the unwrapped middle vault
By the use of suitable photogrammetric and geodetic surveying methods it is possible to produce graphical and image maps true to
scale with high accuracy in a short time and an efficient way. The needed map products and their accuracy level have to be defined in
discussion with the customer, especially in case of the integration of his own measures and mappings. As the example of the Basilica
of Maxentius shows, it is not always necessary to survey a complete 3D-model of the investigated object.
The documentation of the whole object with metric and semi-metric images is of very high importance. Moreover the accuracy level
is to be defined with the customer. If these conditions are fulfilled, it is even possible to produce different map products and also a
complete 3D-model subsequently.
In the case of the Basilica of Maxentius, the complete image acquisition and the measuring of geodetic reference information took
merely less than two weeks. During this time also geodetic measurement of the ground and the production of first image
rectifications could be done. The main focus of the introduced project was the production of image maps of all façades and vaults and
stereophotogrammetric documentation. Altogether 39 image maps and 9 image unwrappings were produced during the project,
which was finished after less than six months. The basilica of Maxentius was documented completely with metric and semi-metric
images, which allows the evaluation of different further graphical and image maps up to a complete 3D-photomodel. These facts
show the efficiency and the possibilities of the chosen combination of different surveying methods.
M. Döring, 2000. Die Maxentius-Basilika - ein Arbeitsbericht, ln: Von Handaufmaß bis High Tech. Dokumentation eines vom 23. -
26. Februar 2000 an der BTU Cottbus veranstalteten internationalen Kolloquiums. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2001, pp. 147-
G. Eckstein, 1999. Empfehlungen für Baudokumentationen. Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg, Arbeitsheft 7. Konrad Theiss
Verlag Stuttgart, 1999.
M. Hemmleb, A. Wiedemann, 1997. Digital Rectification and Generation of Orthoimages in Architectural Photogrammetry. In:
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. XXXII, Part 5C1B, pp. 261-267.
M. Hemmleb, G. Siedler, G. Sacher, 2000. Digitale Bildentzerrungen und -abwicklungen für die Anwendung in Denkmalpflege,
Bauforschung und Restaurierung In: Von Handaufmaß bis High Tech. Dokumentation eines vom 23. - 26. Februar 2000 an
der BTU Cottbus veranstalteten internationalen Kolloquiums. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2001, pp. 74-82.
G. Sacher, M. Hemmleb, A. Scheer, 1999: Mapping of Globe Surfaces into a Plane with Digital Photogrammetric Methods. In: Der
Globusfreund - Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Globen- und Instrumentenkunde, Vol. 47/48, Wien, pp. 305-320.