Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Table of Contents 
Table of Contents 
The Cumulative 3D Data Collection and Management During an Archaeological Project 
Katri Koistinen, Jaakko Latikka, Petteri Pontinen 223 
From Mental Model to Virtual Monument - Case Study on the Digital Workflow 
for 3D Reconstruction and Visualization of Destroyed Buildings 
Markus Grabner, Konrad Schindler 229 
Photogrammetric Surveying of „Nymphea“ in Pompeii 
Gabriele Bitelli, Alessandro Capra, Antonio Zanutta 236 
Computer Aided Procedures for Dealing with Restoration Tasks on the Example 
of the Romanesque Ceiling Painting of St. Michael’s Church in Hildesheim 
147 Annette Hornschuch, Christina Achhammer, Elke Behrens, Detlev Gadesmann 243 
3D Modelling for Urban Design: The Example of the Aera Ostiense-Marconi 
152 Marco Canciani 248 
From the Survey to the 3D Animation: The Santa Maria in Solario Chapel in Brescia (Italy) 
Roberto Cantoni, Giorgio Vassena, Carlo Lanzi 256 
Visualisation - A Tool for Documentation and Investigation of Historical Buildings 
Martin Dendler 263 
168 True Orthophoto for Architectural Surveys 
Sergio Dequal, Andrea Lingua 269 
173 Digitally Developing Works of Art 
Andreas Georgopoulos, Charalabos Ioannidis, G. Makris, E. Tournas, Sevasti Tapinaki 277 
177 Evaluation of Townscape in Spatial Information Systems Throughout Urban Conservation Applications 
Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, Turgay Kerem Koramaz 282 
Image Mosaics with Rotating Camera 
185 Petteri Pontinen 286 
Geo-Referenced 3D Video as Visualization and Measurement Tool for Cultural Heritage 
188 Lazaros Sechidis, Vassilios Tsioukas, Petros Patias 293 
Image-Based 3D Acquisition Tool for Architectural Conservation 
Low Cost 3D Visualization and Measuring „Tool“ for Architectural and 
Archaeological Photogrammetric Applications 
204 Vassilios Tsioukas, Lazaros Sechidis, Petros Patias 306 
e Color-Correct 3D Computer Presentation of the Masters’ House Kandinsky-Klee 
Harald Fleischer, Klaus-Jürgen Simon, Hartmut Ziemann 310 
The Getty Conservation Institute Proposed Partnership with ICOMOS-CIPA for Recording, 
Documentation and Information Management 
Francois Leblanc, Christopher Gray 315 
\mm 212 
The Architect's Skill in Monuments Scanning 
Louis Prieur 322 
The Application of Close Range Photogrammetry for English Heritage Conservation Projects 
Paul G. Bryan 325 
99 j Introduction of Documentation Techniques to Postgraduate Students 
Dorothée Sack 331

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