From the Survey to the 3D Animation: The Santa Maria in Solario Chapel in Brescia(ltaly)
The software used tor the operations of straighten is the Rollei MSR. The final result has satisfied completely the expectations,
bringing to light many frescos that aren t in general clear visible to the usual visitor because the low illumination.
3.2 Curved Surfaces
For the surfaces of the niches, of the plumes and the dome is been instead applied the stereoscopy. That has foreseen the use of a
special CDW software of the Rollei that has allowed, beginning from the photographic images and from a series of points of support,
to reconstruct the camera orientation at the moment of release, during a photogrammetric bundle adjustment.The result of this
operation wasn t as for the plain surfaces a straightened image, but numerical informations used in the following phase of mapping.
After have created the model through the AUTOCAD software and have gotten the results of the photogrammetric elaboration, these
informations were inputed in a software that can allow to integrate them, in order to respect the precisions required as work objective
and to obtaine the valuable results also from the point of view of the quality of the graphic restitution. For this purpose has
considered as the ideal tool the software 3D STUDIO MAX.
4.1 Surfaces Mapping
The phase of mapping of the images upon the 3D model, created on the base of the geometries measured during the topographical
survey, was completely realized through the software 3D STUDIO MAX.
The methods used were different according to the surface that were to be mapping. Particularly a different procedure was used for the
dome which has required a specific study. On the base of the photographic cover and in order of the semispheric geometry, was
considered reasonable, also according with the precisions to obtain, to divide the calotte surface into 12 segments. With the
informations obtained through the application of the CDW software, each single segment was mapping, verifying for each ones the
congruence in the position of the numerous painted stars, that define the meridians of the dome. The gotten results have been
satisfying and consistent with the objectives imposed.
An analogous procedure was used for the niches and the plumes: in fact it has been sufficient use the 3D model as a screen and
project the corresponding image using raytracing techniques. The ’’Digital Projectors” use the same interior and exterior orientation
as related cameras, obtained from bundle adjustment. This has been possible thanks also to the potentialities offered from the
software 3D STUDIO that has allowed to set the parameters in a correct way. An other big advantage of this software is the complete
compatibility with the AUTOCAD software, used for the reconstruction of the geometric model.
Simpler was instead resulted the mapping of the images previously elaborated through the MSR software, for which has been
sufficient to project directly the image upon the corresponding surface through a plane parallel to the same surface. The image gotten
at the end of straighten and merge phases is in fact an orthogonal projection of the photographed surface.
Figure 6: The mapping plane in this case is parallel to the surface