Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Cantoni, Vassena, Lanzi 
The principal meaning of this work is in the study of the traditional and advances techniques of survey, in order to individualize a 
methodology of approach to the faithful reconstruction of the digital model of an architectural building. 
The obtained results, can and must be valued according to different points of view, represented, not only from their quality, but also 
from the financial investment demanded for an intervention of this kind and from the necessary times to his realization. 
In fact to elaborate the gathered informations have been necessary long hours of work with a powerful stations of calculus. 
Also the various finality of this work can’t be neglecting: in fact doesn't take the place of a real visit to the architectural building, but 
wants to allow the visitors a personalized and complete fruition of the heritage, offering a completeness of informations that make 
this tool an important means of divulgation. In fact is important to remember that different compression formats of the digital video 
allow to limit the dimensions in terms of memory and therefore to carry to a better facility of diffusion of the multimedia product. 
Morover is important to underline how the digital reconstruction is founded strictly on a topographical principles and is connected 
with a survey for which have used technologies that guarantee a degree of accuracy that makes it an important cognitive tool also for 
scientific studies. 
Just the versatility of the obtained result has been one of the principal objectives that the explained work wanted to hit, allowing also 
during the same survey, the creation of a precious database composed by images and geometries. 
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