Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Then the geodetic network, starting with the polygon linement has to be planned outside and inside the building, with enough 
connections in between and as little dead ends as possible. The points of the polygon linement have to be fixed on the ground and 
they have to stay during the whole measurement to give always the chance to fix new points. 
Then starting from these signalited points, additional control points at the walls have to be taken to simplify the handmeasuring in 
every room. The so called wall-points, giving the horizontal section, and following all the same height, will be fixed with a rotation 
laser or with classical methods by bubble or tube level. A comparable system will be used for the facades. 
The coordinates will be fixed on a plot, taking as a basis for the plans. These plans, drawn on a transparent paper, will be used for 
the whole measurement directly in the field - transparent paper is preferred to have the chance to fix plans next to each other and to 
fix several levels above each other. For this reason the students have to learn also how to fix the coordinates also on a graphic way, 
to be free from computer plots if not available. 
On this basis the handmeasuring can start. It will be supported by distomates, but even then the merry old steel meter is always in 
use. As talked about already earlier, the drawing in this phase will be a hand drawing. 
After having learned the “alphabet”, which is able to be used always and everywhere, in the a more sophisticated form of 
measurement is taught. 
The groundplans as well as mainly the section plans are measured by using the full electronic equipment - that means by using the 
Totalstation. This system is very helpful in case if you have to measure an arched room or another irregular form. The coordinates 
will be plotted and by this way the cubatur of the room or a part of the building will be drawn already before starting handmeasuring 
and other detailed measurements. The clouds of points may bring from time to time also some irritations and the control of the 
measurement is to be made not earlier than the plots are printed. 
At the same time the measurements of the facades - until now made by hand - will be supported by rectified digital photos. These 
photos could be used only as a basis for further detailed measurements, or even detailed control in the field. 
After being trained in handmeasuring, the second semester will give the students the experience of collecting and using digitalised 
In addition to the hand drawings of the first part, we try to digitalise the plans or draw directly on CAD-basis during the second 
semester. These plans will be used for further works: 
• plan of the damages of the building, 
• Baualtersplan (plan showing the building phases) and, 
• denkmalpflegerischer Bindungsplan (plan of conservation status). That means which part has to be kept unchanged under 
all reasons and which part might be changed if necessary. 
Further to the use of different measuring methods, the training will be focused also on different points in general. First the more 
practical work is in the center and after having measured and prepared all plans, the participants will be divided in two groups. The 
first one is doing the research work, mainly building archaeology and the second is preparing the restauration and the preservation of 
the building. But all research work is focused on the result, the conservation of the building.. 
In autumn 1998, when the first term of the postgraduate studies in conservation of monuments started at the TU Berlin, a small 
building has to be identified, to have all possibilities to use different types of measurings without using a scaffolding or other 
complicated technical equipment. With the help of the official school administration of the state Berlin, we got the possibility to 
work in a pavilion, built by Bruno Taut, one of the very important modernists in architecture in the years 20 and 30 of the 20th 
century 3 . 
This pavilion is the model of one unit to be added for a very long school-building to be built 
in the years 1928/29. 
The backbone of the whole ensemble is a corridor, lining the classrooms, orientated to both sides of it. The classroom constructed in 
a square form being irradiated or illuminated with a band of windows, constructed directly under the roof. Parallel to the corridor a 
large door opens the classroom towards the garden. The zone between the building and the garden is constructed as a sheltered 
terrace to be used for lessons (Fig. 1 and 2). On one side of the classroom a closet is integrated, used as bookcase with an integrated 
sink and a tray to be turned out for a slide projector. 
The main idea to build the pavilion as a model is concerning the direct illumination from the top and the different possibilities to 
construct the connection between classroom and garden. The model was built also to evaluate different gates. So three gates have 
been realised. The main gate towards the east is constructed in steel (Fig. 3). It gives the possibility to open more than the half side 
of the classroom towards the garden and the doors vanish in the walls left and right side of the opening. Towards south and west 
other door constructions have been studied, that one to the south is built as a wooden door, that one to the west has been constructed 
as a window which could be moved into the ground. So three different types of openings and the illumination have been studied on 
that building. 
The school never came out of the status of a model, the whole program has been cancelled because of the crisis of the world 
economy 1929.

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