Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Structured and Integrated Technical Documentation on Cultural Heritage - Approach in Slovenia 
The preventive survey consists of photogrammetric stereopairs, well defined and measured control points and survey of the 
surroundings of the monument. A thorough technical report is produced as well as an organised photo archive. The last level is 
production offinal results, e.g. maps, cross sections, 3D models etc. (Figure 1). 
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Figure 1: Vertical levels of technical documentation 
Final results, especially 3D models, can serve for different kind of visualisation (rendering, photo-texturing etc.), animation (walk or 
fly-through, changes in time, etc.). However, these tasks are not the basic tasks of photogrammetrists as the emphasise is given to 
manipulation of data with computer graphics. 
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Complete documentation of photogrammetric survey consists of analog and digital data. 
Analog data are: 
• photos 
• sketches 
• field surveying log 
• printed technical report 
Digital data are: 
• digital images, scannes photos 
• surveying measurements 
• vector maps 
• raster maps / orthophoto maps 
• 3D models 
• technical report (document file) 
For integration of all these data in a computer supported system, analog data must be converted to digital form (scanning, digitizing) 
first. For use of digital data in World Wide Web, digital data must be converted into adequate formats. Usually, texts are already in 
HTML format, vector maps e.g. originally in dwg format must be converted into dwf format, many raster formats could be used in 
www, for 3D models the VRML format (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) is already the standard. 
In the framework of the research project mentioned above, and information system based on Internet technology was proposed by 
Geodetic Institute of Slovenia. The main reasons for the proposal is, that most of the tools are free of charge, work with Internet 
browsers and plug-ins is very easy and all kind of data could be combined in only one environment. Using the original data and 
results that are produced with photogrammetric survey, one needs at least one word-processor to read the technical report, a graphical 
program (e.g. Adobe Photo Shop, Corel Draw) to view the raster images, a CAD program to view vector and raster maps (e.g. 
AutoCAD, MicroStation), etc. 
The system consists of defined logical structure of technical documentation. When opening an Internet browser (e.g. Microsoft 
Explorer) the first page depends on the scope/region of the documentation. The system could be produced for whole country, for each 
regional heritage office, for a town, etc. The first page shown in Figure 2 was prepared specially for the presentation purpose of this 
paper. However, ususally a list or location of monuments or sites is shown. 1 would like to emphasise, that for the case in Slovenia, 
an unified code (called ESD) is given to each registered monument and this is the key for making a link with national archive 
(INDOK Centre - Information and Documentation Centre). Then, clicking on the name of monument, one gets the first page of it. On 
ir 18 - 21, 2001

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