Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Monti, Brumana, Fregonese, Savi, Achille 
Intensity image (greyscale) representation of St. Marcus Basilica facade 
AcqursOcn Ccrtiol 
Stai acqjs/ion hpro Pete F4e [ 
Onplay Opinare 
P Display Mrtiax 2oonwig|St|ioo 
p Sierf*! Fal« Cotos 
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P Update eve»y [10 Ihfcne '¿¡date | 
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r mera gale f~ sotocttoi ¡«ítngs Í 
í cm 
bo«yi_803D0; Image Sac, 1106 * 4621 
Frame number 1 
Port (ed/row) 382 / 2100 
Range. 3S720m X.-33.669m 
Aamitb angle • 183 234 gen Y • 9 078 ns 
Peto angle • 86 090 gon 2 * 7 743 m 
Inlerwily • 112 
Dale/Tme 26704/2001 14 45 30003 
Drtlanc« ■ (no reference port iet| 
•>i Cto»fti\Ojry«| j> Sutoow | 
St. Marcus Basilica’s facade: particular of 3D mesh shading model.

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