Organisation and Form of Metrie Documentation on Patrimonium
An interesting collaboration has developed with the University of Ghent’s Department of Geography; thanks to an excellent follow
up by the two institutions and to a preceding definition of precise criteria, students preparing an masters thesis can now exploit the
Departments metric documentation while producing a document of which the Department also benefits. For instance, in 2000 a
project of 3 D visualisation was developed on the basis of a survey the Department realised some years before. The project meant to
test a commercial programme (3D STUDIO VIZ R3) on a 12 lh century monument (the Saint-Victor church in Fleurus). An other
project consisted of locating the ruined walls of the choir and transept in the gothic abbey in Aulne on ortho image plans with
VIRTUO ZO programs Fig 2.
Legende : h (TAW) = H (plan) + 106,15 m
X (m) = de afstand op de x-as
evenwijdig met de dwarsdoorsnede
van het transept
Dit plan is het resultaat van restitutie
van de stereoparen
nrs 39. 39 2 en 39 3
Situatieplan ;
ft T
Abbaye d’Aulne
Orthofotoplan IX
Fig.2 Abbey in Aulne : Characteristic points on metric-photo and orthophotos
The Department is still using close range photogrammetry while using the means made available by digital photogrammetry. The
most important is to meet, as efficiently as possible, the requirements of the demand while using human potential to its best.