Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Digital Documentation System ... for the Conservation Intervention at Angkor Wat, Cambodia 
Leisen, H. & Plehwe-Leisen, E. von 1999: Conservation of the Bas Reliefs at Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia. Research - Practise 
- Training.- ICOM Committee for Conservation, 12th Triennial Meeting Lyon 29 August-3 September 1999, pp.737-742; 
London (James & James). 
Urbani, G. 1984. La scienza e Tarte della conservazione dei beni culturali. Ricerche di storia dell' arte, 16: 7-10. 
Varoli-Piazza, R. 1984. Proposals for the use of standard graphic symbols to record techniques of execution, states of conservation, 
treatments of restoration, pp. 135-144 (vol.l), in: Restorer’s Museologist’s Scientist’s common responsibility in the 
protection of museum objects. Fourth International Restorer Seminar. Veszprem, Hungary, 2-12 July 1983. Budapest: 
National Centre of Museum. 
Buzzanca, G. 2000 A User friendly approach (... more about standards and customised menus in digital recording of condition) in 
GRADOC Graphic Documentation Systems in Mural Painting Conservation {Case Study 2 - The Documentation of the 
Conservation of the Sandstone Reliefs at Angkor Wat in Cambodia by Warrack. S) ICCROM - Publication of the research 
Seminar Rome 16 th - 20 th November 2000.

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