Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Jansen, Santana 
Uoott Y« 
ai-Balid Archaeological Park 
Salalah, The Sultanate of Oman 
Conservation Legend 
R Re-point wall with lime 
mortar mixture 
T Re-cover top of wall 
with lime mortar 
S(_m) Build-up existing wall 
with lime mortar bonded 
stone masonry over 
Gcotextile. (Built-up 
height shown in brackets) 
Cover Area with layer 
of soil over Geotextile, 
(soil layer height 
displayed in brackets) 
Drawing Legend 
(£wj) Locui # 
H Top of W08 
o Photo Refer»« 
Figure 2: Citadel, al-Baleed, Conservation Form prepared after excavation and conservation works (2001) 
2.3 Landscaping 
With the precise surface recording by total station a detailed floral survey of the natural setting can be provided being the basis for 
further action according to proper planning. This, of course also accounts for all further planning (See Figure 3). 
Figure 3: Measuring both the landscape and archaeological remains of the Friday Mosque using a (1) Total Station, (2) processing 
the measurements with a DTM and CADR software, and finally producing a (3)three-dimensional rendering of the actual state of 
2.4 Didactics 
The extensive direct survey work and indirect review of available historical documents carried out in the site has provided evidence 
to establish the phases of constructions and modifications through the history of the site.

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